

Best Answer
Comments About LEGAL ImmigrationAlthough there doesn't seem to be any pros for letting in more immigrants, we have to remember we all come from immigrants. Our U.S. culture is built on that of many countries. What makes the United States great is the diversity, which is only possible with Immigration. The U.S. is a land of opportunity, we should be able to share those opportunities with other people. I am not afraid of losing a job to a more talented immigrant, they don't pose a threat to me. If we are all doing our jobs at the top of our games, then no one has a reason to feel that immigrants are a threat to them. -Lil' Black girl from Chicago

If no one was allowed to come in to the USA then there would basically be no America, because we all come from immigrants

Immigration is part of the U.S., without it the U.S. wouldn't be the way it is.

  • Immigration is completely fair, it is only right
  • What message would we be sending if didn't allow immigration? Opportunity and freedom are what makes our country so strong. Please, none of us would be here if it wasnt for immigration unless you happen to be 100 precent Native American.
  • Immigration is a part of the U.S. All of the citizens now had to have ancestors from Another Country. Immigrants even provide new ideas for inventions, and sometimes cheap labor for big companies. This cheap labor can lower prices of U.S. goods, and those new ideas are tghe basis of why this country is amazingly powerful now. -p.s. I'm 15, and this stuff is true :P
  • Either do it the right way or don't do it at all. Sure, we are supposed to be the land of the free, but that doesn't mean that we should allow non-registered immigrants into our country!
  • This is a Land of immigrants you still have to remember that you cant say this land is a land of legal immigrants because most of the immigrants who came here only came here illegally so you great great great grandmother could be illegal making your family line illegal to, to some point.This land is made for people to work and get and education. Illegal immigrants only come to the country because they see how wonderful it is and how much they offer here for there family. Can you not say that this country is a great country can you not think of them coming here to American as a complement to us. There are so many countries that have different racial populations today and they all work because they feel no threat. I think most people are afraid of immigrates because they are different. Well so are you! your probably also not liking them because you think they are trying to take your jobs. I think that is funny because Americans complain and complain they are taking our jobs but our lazy buts will not do those jobs. Do you see any wealthy white people in those fields? NO they make less then minimum wage why are you complaining huh if you dont like that then take you ass to the fields at 3 in the morning and work for a couple of dollars.
  • "Land of Opportunity" seems to always be changing and it seems as though to get that opportunity now, you have to do more of your part to obtain it. The pros of the immigration is that eventually the US is going to be overpopulated and we all know what happens when places get overpopulated. Prices for living rise, for an oppurtunity for a better tomorrow gets harder, and it will make the streets a bit more crowded and possibly with violence. It kind of reminds me of my town, as more people entered there, the violence rate in town jumped tremendously. I think the violence had to do with the different views that everyone in that one area had that made it harder to live with each other. It is not like I hate immigrants, but making it legal is trully the best way. I do not like hearing the news and it comes about someone dieing crossing the desert or traveling in a truck in the heat illegally to enter the US. I mean, the US is a land of opportunity only when the process of entering the US is legal.
  • Without more Immigrants coming in who would do all the bad jobs. I am not trying to say this racist but aren't we all immigrants and we must let people in. China has 1 Billion people in land slightly larger than ours. We have 300 million we got some space left.
  • While it is true that most of us come from someone who immigrated to this country, I don't think that argument holds up as an argument for immigration today, especially not illegal immigration. Once our country was established, rules for immigration were put into place. Our culture is established, we have a language (English) that has been spoken from the establishment of the country. Unchecked immigration, and especially illegal immigration, can undermine the very foundations the country.

Though I'm not against legal immigration, I believe people who enter the United States need to be willing to adjust to the culture that has been established, just as we would be expected to adjust to the customs and culture of any other country we would visit or live in. That, to me, is only common sense, but it seems like many immigrants today expect us to adjust to whatever their customs are. That is not only unreasonable, it is not good for the stability of our culture and country. I'm not saying not to respect diverse cultures. I'm saying anyone who wants to come to the U.S. needs to respect and be willing to fit into our culture.

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