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Q: What before of the Russian Revolution what did the Soviet government change to?
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What type of government existed in Russia before the Russian Revolution?

An unlimited government

What title and position did Kerensky have?

Alexander Kerensky was a Russian politician and lawyer. He was a prominent figure before the Russian revolution of 1917. He was for a short period of 3 months both 2nd minister of Provisional Russian government and Prime minister of Russia. His government was overthrown by Bolsheviks in October revolution.

Did tsar Alexander the 2 abolished serfdom before or after the Russian revolution?

The Russian revolution began with his death and the deaths of his wife and 6 children . He did not abolish serfdom. The whole point of the revolution was to overthrow the Czar and replace him with a government that controlled all aspects of living for the Russian people.

Was Lenin the first red tsar?

The tsars were heads of state before the Russian revolution (similar to kings). The Russian leader who became known as the Red Tsar was Joseph Stalin, who lead the Communist Soviet Union from 1927 - 1953, after he established a dictatorship by dismantling Lenin's (his predecessor) system of government.

What was the country that claimed Alaska before the US?

Russia from whom the US purchased it in 1867.

Who was the leader of Russia before world war 1?

Tsar Nicholas II until 1917 and the March Revolution, then a Provisional Government took charge until the Worker's Soviet (Bolsheviks) took power from them in the October Revolution and installed Valdimir Lenin as Russia's new leader.

What was the policy of the Russian Government before fall of the Soviet Army?

spread of comunism ideology to the world and gaining more power in the world, economic progress and controling world powerful states to improve their power, containment of united state and capitalist or democratic idea from the world. these were the bassic points in Russian and soviet union forign policy before fall of the soviet union.

Did the French or American or Russian Revolution come first?

The American Revolution came first in 1776, followed by the French Revolution in 1789 and the Russian Revolution in 1917.

Which is the best description of the Russian economy before 1985?

The Russian economy since the Bolshevik Revolution to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 was command market. This was done through comprehensive five-year plans and precise GOSPLANS. Another facet to the Soviet economy were their massive defense expenditures per capita.

Who ran Russia before the Bolshevik revolution?

The Russian Provisional Government first under Prince Georgy Lvov then under Alexander Kerensky were in charge of the government in Russia just before the Bolshevik Revolution in October 1917. The Provisional Government had taken over from Tsar Nicholas II in March of that year.

Who was Russian emperor before the revolution?

Czar Alexander

What was marxes job in the Russian revolution?

He was dead before it started.