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PhysicalDon't stand there.

Don't go in and try and fight the bully. If he's bigger than you, you'll be hurt.

If he's smaller than you, don't pick on him. It will make you just as bad as the bully. Go tell a supervisor, a teacher or a trustworthy adult.


Verbal abuse can be very hurtful. They are attacking the kids' feelings. Like i said, go tell a supervisor, a teacher or a trustworthy adult.

Try to make friends with the victim. They need a good friend or two.

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Q: What can a person do if they see an act of bullying or a victam of bullying?
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What does anti bullying mean?

anti bully means you are totally against bullying and you use every act to put a end to all the bullying you see.

What can parents do to stop cyber bullying?

They can contact the teachers and see what has been happening to the child online. They can also talk to the person online who is bullying their child.

When a person says you need to see a psychiatrist does it mean you are crazy?

It does not mean you are crazy, but this is what they are suggesting, so this is a form of bullying or abuse.

What is the difference between school yard bullying and cyber bullying?

School yard bullying happens at school or on playgrounds, in person. Cyber bullying is when someone sends you threatening or harassing emails or messages on the internet, or when they send mean or cruel emails/messages about you to others. It may be from someone you know, or it may be someone who just happened to see your name or email address some where.

Bullying in a sentence?

Some examples: * That boy was bullying me today * That girl was bullying me * I seen someone bullying my friend * Bullying is mean, rude, and horrible and should be stopped as soon as you see it happening. * Stop bullying before it gets to you * Bullying isn't just done with kids, adults bully each other too. * Kids are4n't the only ones bullying each other; adults are bullying each too. * Tell someone if you see bullying happening. * Some kids wers bullying me and my friends today because we were doing extra assignments for social class. * Frank kept bullying me today because I didn't finish his homework yesterday. etc.

What to do if you see bullying happen?

u tell a adult

What do the laws say about bullying?

Laws try and try to stop bullying. and there exists many sorts of bullying such as: -school bullying -cyber bullying -sexually bullying ... if you watch the movie "Cyberbully", you"ll see at the end that the USA government stops cyberbullying. In canada, i do not know much about bullying. thats all i know, sorry... but you can get more info online!

Why is cyber bullying a big issue?

Cyber bullying is an issue because it can affect the person badly. Cyber bullying is one of the most common reasons for self harm, suicide and insecurity. People who get cyber bullied are very self conscious, mainly because what is said on the internet is public and anyone can see what others say. It is probably a bigger issue than regular bullying because sometimes you can't see who the bully is. Such as websites like where you can put your name under anonymous.

How many schools bullying policies cover homophobic bullying?

You should search the internet for homophobic bullying policy schools and see what you get. There's no way of knowing EXACTLY how many schools, but if you find two or three and see if they cover bullying for sexual orientation you should be able to find enough information for a small report.

How are bullying and cyberbullying the same?

Yes, it's a form of bullying, but it has some dynamics that are different from school-yard bullying. It may have similar roots, but research has suggested that prevention efforts need to be targeted differently toward cyber bullying, because cyber bullies don't necessarily see themselves as committing the same kind of act as face-to-face bullies.

Do you consider bullying a serious problem in general in schools?

Bullying is a very serious problem in schools worldwide. Every school has some form of bullying, and it is unavoidable. I believe teachers need to be trained to deal with bullying better, as many simply ignore it rather than acting upon what they see. Generally private schools have less bullying than public schools, but they still have the problem. Being bullied as a child affects a person for the rest of their life, and can lead them to depression and perhaps eventually suicide.

Should you find bullying funny?

well i think, that bullying is NOT funny at all, and its really mean. I don't see how people find it funny. No bullying is not funny, imagine if U were being bullied!