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The French Revolution allowed for the debut of the modern French consciousness, the idea of universal human dignity and liberty in Europe. This changed the mental landscape quite drastically in Europe and was directly responsible for the rise in Romanticism, Nationalism, and Democratic Revolutions in Europe.

In terms of concrete benefits, the French Revolution immediately gave rise to the First Republic of France and the First French Empire under Napoleon Bonaparte. The French Empire conquered or made vassals of nearly every country in Europe from Lithuania to Portugal. The Revolution inspired a plethora of writers such as Dumas and Voltaire, giving them insight into the human condition.

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Apart from the formation of the French republic, one suprising achivement of the French revolution was to clear up the streets of Paris. This was organised by the revolutionary council as the river Seine was described as a "Stinking cess pool" by writers of the day. The aristocracy had little interest in needs of the poor in Paris so had they stayed in control they would have probably left it the way it was.

After the revolution a little known (at the time) French General called Napoleon Bonapart took control and it was he who ordered the wholesale of immunisation of the French people against Smallpox which was killing thousands in the fetid streets of the capitol.

Napoleon became the first person to organise a health care program for the poor in the world, on such a large scale.

Niether of these events would have occured without the french revolution.

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