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Intelligence, self confidence, pleasant personality, good humor, cleanliness, taking care of one's self. I'm Guessing the same attractive features as any other man would like them. one difference is probably they'll look if the woman is super smart like them.

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Q: What do nerdy but successful men find attractive in a woman?
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I don't think there are many women out there who find the fact that a man is highly successful to be an unattractive quality. The reverse is probably less true. I think there are some guys who are intimidated by a highly successful woman. However, if you are a successful woman, I doubt if you would be interested in a man who is so insecure about who and what he is. Therefore, I wouldn't worry about becoming "less attractive" by being successful because the only ones you would be missing out on you probably don't want anyway.

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The Nerdy Shirts website is a good place to go to find the best nerdy shirts for men. They have an extensive range of shirts which can also be purchased from SnorgTees or eBay.

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Attraction is subjective and varies among individuals. Some Black individuals may find accents attractive, while others may not. It ultimately depends on personal preference.

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Each woman is different. We aren't made from a computer code.