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If you are a juvenile, tell an adult, this may make you seem like a baby in short term but in long term it will help your status tremendously by not getting beat up and made fun of.

Added: If you are an adult you must be on your guard against people who threaten you. In some jurisdictions this can amount to a violation while in others it is nothing more than an exercise in 'free speech.' In short, as long as no overt effort is made to carry the threats out, it is something you simply must either ignore, or put up with. The law is not perfect and cannot protect you from ALL of life's unpleasentness.

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13y ago
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1mo ago

If someone threatens to beat you up, it's important to prioritize your safety. Try to remove yourself from the situation if possible by walking away or seeking help from others nearby. It's also recommended to report the threat to the authorities to ensure your safety and well-being.

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13y ago

Examine your relationship with this girl. (I'm guessing you are a girl, by the way). If she is someone really cruel and bullies others as well, than she needs to be reported. (I know, if you asked any other adult this question they'd say the same thing, but that's because it's the right thing to do!) If it is only you, then think, "Have I done anything unkind to this girl? Does she have what she thinks is a reason to threaten me?" If yes, than that's the problem right there. If you can't talk it out between the two of you face to face, then your best bet is to e-mail her of just tell her you're sorry and walk away. If no, then you should report her. IF YOU DON'T WANT HER TO KNOW THAT IT'S YOU THAT REPORTED HER E-MAIL A TEACHER FROM A DIFFERENT OR NEW ACCOUNT. (OR TEXT A TRUSTED ADULT WHO COULD HELP THE SITUATION).

This is bullying behavior, and the advice given here would work best if this is a school issue.

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13y ago

I'm assuming your fairly young so I would say tell your parents/teachers in total confidentiality. Or go to someone you trust at school or camp since school is out here but please dont let yourself be as low as them and stay out of the way of trouble! Be the BIGGER person!

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12y ago

Well, it depends on if you want to fight too. If you don't (a more reasonable and less violent choice) then just walk away from them or ignore them because unless they are seriosly pissed they won't USUALLY do anything. If you DO want to fight (not encouraged) then just walk up to the person and trash talk them until THEY throw the FIRST punch. (don't hit them first if you're at school, you'll most likely get in more trouble that way.) Tell them to "Do something," or along those lines and they will end up getting mad and go crazy. The best part of them freaking out is they become irrational and make stupid fighting decisions and end up letting you get in some winning punches. This is only for your knowledge. Fighting really is stupid and immature. Ignore the person or walking away is the safest and most mature thing to do.

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12y ago

Call the police.

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