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Q: What does Thoreau means when he says But a government in which the majority rule in all cases cannot be based on justice even as far as men understand it?
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Why does thoreau believe that government in which the majority rule in all cases cannot be based on justice even as far as men understand it?

Thoreau believed that the majority rule can lead to the oppression of minority viewpoints and rights. He argued that true justice requires respect for individual conscience and rights, which may be sacrificed in a system where the majority dictates policies and decisions. Thoreau's concern was that such a system can easily lead to tyranny and injustice.

What does Thoreau think is wrong with majority rule?

He thinks it is not based on justice.

In Thoreau's view what is the ethical responsibility of a government to a minority population?

Thoreau believed that the government has an ethical responsibility to protect the rights and interests of minority populations, even if it means going against the majority. He argued that it is the duty of the government to ensure justice and fair treatment for all its citizens, regardless of their numbers.

According to Thoreau what is needed for a government to be just?

For a government to be just, Thoreau believed it needed to be based on the consent of the governed, uphold the principles of individual freedom and rights, and be willing to address and correct injustices. He emphasized the importance of citizens being actively engaged and holding their government accountable to ensure justice.

Who wrote essay on civil dissidence?

Henry David Thoreau wrote the essay "Civil Disobedience," which discusses the duty of individuals to resist unjust laws imposed by the government. Thoreau's work has inspired many movements advocating for civil rights and social justice.

If the chief justice is not in the majority when a case is decided the responsibility for opinion assignment rests with who?

most junior justice on the Court. most senior associate justice in the majority. chief justice, as in other cases. most senior associate justice in the minority. solicitor general.

What department in the British Government is like the government of Justice in the US?

The Ministry of Justice.

According to Thoreau what is America's public attitude toward the Mexican war?

Thoreau was critical of America's public attitude towards the Mexican-American War, as he believed it was driven by aggressive expansionism rather than principles of justice and morality. He famously protested the war and refused to pay his taxes in protest of the government's actions.

From Aristotle's statement for the administration of justice is the principle of order in political society what can be inferred?

Majority rule ensures a stable pron of government for the horny ones in the aristoles business

What justice dissented?

It means they disagreed with the majority ruling.

What is the end or supreme goal of government according to Madison?

James Madison states in the Federalist 51 that "justice is the end of government"

One a Supreme Court Justice disagrees with the majority opinion of the court what is he or she doing?

A US Supreme Court justice who disagrees with the majority opinion writes a dissenting opinion, explaining why he or she disagrees with the majority.