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It also allows them to be somewhat flexible which permits them to squeeze through vessels that have slightly smaller diameters than the RBCs themselves.

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Q: What does the shape biconcave help in red blood cells other then helping to transport more oxygen in the body?
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Tiny biconcave disks that carry oxygen is called?

red blood cells or erythrocytes

What are the blood cells that transport oxygen?

red blood cells transport oxygen :)

Are blood cells biconcave shaper?

white blood cells have irregular shape ,they can take any shape and easily removed

What appear as biconcave disks with edges?

Red blood cells have a circular biconcave shape to increase surface area to volume ratio for faster absorption of oxygen in the bloodstream.

What is the structure of an erythrocyte?

The structure of red blood cells is specialized for the transport of oxygen throughout the body. The biconcave disc shape of the cell increases the surface area of the cellular membrane to maximize oxygen absorption. Red blood cells lack nuclei and many other common cellular organelles in order to maximize space for the protein hemoglobin within the cells. Hemoglobin readily bonds oxygen molecules and gives red blood cells their characteristic red color.

What does blood transport?

blood transport oxygen around the body

Why RBC is biconcave shaped?

Pretty sure it's to increase the surface area

Which describes the characteristics of red blood cells the agents of inflammation or there covex disks with a large nucleus or they transport oxygen to all cells of the body or they lack hemoglobin?

The fourth option is the correct one - red blood cells transport oxygen around the body. White blood cells are mainly responsible for inflammatory responses. In humans, red blood cells are biconcave and do not contain a nucleus. One of the main components of red blood cells is haemoglobin.

Notes on red blood cell?

Biconcave disk containg haemoglobin for the transport of oxygen. These cells have no nucleus or mitochondrion so as to ensure they do not use up the oxygen they carry instad they generate all their ATP through gycolysis. RBCs are mostly produced in the bone marrow.

What are tiny biconcave disks that carry oxygen called?

Erythrocytes, more commonly known as red blood cells.

Do the red blood cells pick up oxygen in the lungs?

Yes, they do. The haemoglobin in biconcave red blood cells picks up the oxygen at the lungs, and drops it off at a respiring cell.

What is the advantage of the biconcave shape of the red blood cells?

The advantage of red blood cells' biconcave shape is that the surface area is increased to allow more haemoglobin to be stored in the cell. This means that the red blood cells can acquire a greater volume of oxygen than if they had a flatter membrane.