

What does the word the come under?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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'the' is a Direct, or Specific, Article

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Q: What does the word the come under?
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What religion does Buddhism come under?

Although it depends upon how the word "religion" is defined, Buddhism does not come under any religion. It is its own way of life. It is sometimes understood as an offshoot of Hinduism. .

When reading a newspaper you come across the word subterranean You guess the meaning of the word by breaking it into it parts You know that sub is a prefix meaning under and the word terra?

Subterranean means occurring or existing beneath the surface of the earth. In this case, "sub" means under and "terra" refers to earth or land. So, subterranean literally translates to "under the earth."

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Subterranean is Latin in origin: from "terra" meaning earth, and the prefix "sub-" meaning under. Thus, subterranean means, "under the earth," or hidden.

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The word is English, but the word comes originally from French "entrepreneur." "Entre" in this context means "under" and "preneur" means "taker," i.e. "someone who undertakes a business."

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It usually called slums depending where you are where I come from we call it under privileged or home.

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"Johann Lukas Schoenlein, a German physician, is credited with coining the term 'influenza' in the 18th century. The word is derived from the Italian term 'influenza di freddo,' meaning 'influence of the cold,' due to the belief that the illness was caused by cold and damp weather."

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if you look into the word just means new. But Contemporary dancing can come from any type of movement. If can come from the technique of ballet but with a quirkiness added to it. It can come from jazz, or even lyrical.

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