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King Alexander III (the Great).

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Q: What famous Macedonian conquered the Persian Empire?
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Persian ruler who expanded the Persian Empire?

Cyrus the Great conquered the ENTIRE Middle East, Egyptian empire, and parts of India, China, Mongolia, Russia, and Greece. Xerxes the great conquered Greece and opened the door to Europe for Persia. Sassanid also was famous for conquering the far east. Also: Darius

What famous Macedonian created an empire that stretch from Greece to India?

Alexander the Great

What made Cortes famous?

He conquered the Aztec empire!

Who are the Two famous conquerors of ancient history who conquered or ruled Samarkand?

There were many famous conquerors who conquered or ruled Samarkland. As for ancient ones, I'd say the Persians and Alexander the Great (Macedonian or Greek).

What did the Persian Empire became famous for?

Attempting to organise security and prosperity within the empire.

Which empire was ruled by Cyrus who was famous for his kind treatment of the peoples he conquered?


Who is a famous Macedonian singer?

Vrcak is a Macedonian singer.

What was the famous road that linked various parts of the Persian Empire together?

The royal road.

What famous structure did kind darius build to unite the Persian empire?

The governing system of the Persian Empire, resting on traditional local government, provincial government and central imperial government.

What was Genghis Khan most famous for?

His rule over the Persian Empire in the early days of history.

When Alexander the great conquered the Persian Empire he spread greek culture from Egypt to India in addition to the greek alphabet what other legacies did Alexander spread throughout his empire?

He also spread the Greek philosophies called the Hellenic culture that lead to much of the Western culture of today. DSKO. Everyone knows that famous date.

What was Iran famous for?

Iran, once called Persia, is famous for its rich history and culture. Persian Empire was the first modern empire extended from west of China to east Europe. Also Iran is famous for Persian Caviar, Persian Carpet and Persian Cat.