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You should be able to get your grandchild, because it is not good for the child to have no chance of finding friends and have a normal life, that is never something what a child should live, it is very important that you get your grandchild!

Greets from Germany :)

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Q: What if the mother dont have a home for a child her and my grandchild is just living here and there .can i get my grandchild?
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Tell them to stop. Dont be hard...there old people!

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Yes but if you all take it to court paternity will have to be established but yes he can make the mother pay support and rightfully so but why dont the mother start spending equal amount of time with the child and no one pays support and the child wins cause they have both parents

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Your mother, if it's actually owed.

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I dont think that if the mother is happy, then the child is. Children who look to there parents don't have to tread in their foot steps. Or the other way round, if the mother is moody doesnt mean that the child is.

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no you can't i dont think the child always stay with the mother unless you can go to court about it.

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you dont see her but elise does say that she died when she was a child

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You dont have to marry the farther of the child but you should either get married when the time is right for you or get married when the child is young because when the child is growing up they will call the man dad unless you dont want that

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dont waste time and resources on a small thing like this

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yes because they have changed and matured but if you dont think so go with your instinct!

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his father owned a hardware store and a leather shop and i dont know about his mother

Do you have any rights if the mother is underage and her parents dont want you to be around?

If you're in the US... You have no rights to have contact with the minor mother if her parents forbid it. You do have the right to petition the court for visitation with the child. Of course you also have the obligation of paying child support.