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Albert Einstein had no significant inventions. His theories however led to inventions by other scientists. Einstein himself worked primarily in theories as a physicist and mathematician.

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Q: What inventions made Albert Einstein famous?
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Inventions that made albert Einstein famous?

Einstein was a scientist rather than an inventor. He discovered relativity.

What are Albert Einstein's most famous inventions?

water melons and dirt He did not have inventions as such, he made discoveries and formulated new theories

Albert Einstein's famous inventions?

he made the carper so we can take poops when watching t.v

How did Albert Einstein get into what made them famous?

i want to know how Albert Einstein became famous how did he do it

Did Albert Einstein change the way people lived with his inventions?

Yes, because he made such great inventions.

Did Albert Einstein invent lots of things?

Yes Albert Einstein invented alot of things you could research all of the inventions that he made by using google :)

What Albert Einstein did that made him famous?

Albert Einstein is famous for mathematics e=m

What made Albert Einstein a good scientist?

His famous theory of relativity

What was this Albert Einstein famous for doing?

The theory of light he made it. Also math and science.

Why is Albert Einstein worth knowing about?

Albert Einstein was a well known scientist. He had many theories of relativity which made him the most famous. Go to to find more information.

How old was Albert Einstein when he made his 1 invention?

Albert Einstein was not an inventor and holds no patents.

What invention did albert einstein become famous for?

E=mc², Einstein's Theory of Relativity and then in 1905 Einstein came up with the concept that light is made up of particles called photons.