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Rh blood type is determined by the presence or absence of the D antigen. People who are Rh positive have the D antigen and those that are Rh negative lack this. Some people have a variant of the D antigen, called Du. Presence of Du antigen causes lab results to report the blood type as Rh negative, although the patient behaves as an Rh positive would. Du negative means a "true Rh negative" result.

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Q: What is DU negative factor in blood?
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Related questions

Can two negative blood factor parents create a negative blood factor baby?

Rh negative is a recessive trait but if both parents had it, then the children would have it.

Where does the positive and negative for blood come from?

Positive and negative indicate the presence or lack of the rh factor in the blood. A+ blood type, for example, indicates that the rh factor is present in that blood.

Can you give A positive blood to A negative blood?

No. The Rh Negative blood group is formed by an absence of the Positive factor.

How can doctors determine positive or negative blood types.?

Doctors can determine positive or negative blood types by administering a test. The difference between positive and negative types is the presence of the RH factor. Positive blood types indicate the presence of the RH factor while negative blood types do not have this factor.

What blood type is rh factor?

it defines if the blood type is positive(+) or negative(-).

What is the difference between negative and positive blood type A?

The Rhesus factor, also known as the Rh factor, is an antigen that exists on the surface of red blood cells. People who have the Rhesus factor are considered to have a positive blood type. Those who don't have the antigen are considered to have a negative blood type.

What makes A negative blood?

A person with A negative blood may have genotype AO or AA. The genotype for the Rh factor must be negative in both alleles.

What is the difference A- blood and A plus blood?

The Rhesus factor, also known as the Rh factor, is an antigen that exists on the surface of red blood cells. People who have the Rhesus factor are considered to have a positive blood type. Those who don't have the antigen are considered to have a negative blood type.

Main differences in o positive,and o negative?

The positive or negative in the blood types refer to the Rh factor, which is an antigen. Antigens trigger immune responses. Being positive or negative for the Rh factor will impact who you can receive a blood donation from, and who you can donate blood to.

Is ab negative blood person is good for marriage?

AB negative blood group is fine for marriage but the person with this blood group can accept the blood from all donors with negative Rh factor. example- only from AB-, O-,A-,B-

Can a father with A-negative blood have a child with A-positive blood?

Yes, a father with A negative blood can have a child with A positive blood. If he does, the mother must have a positive Rh factor, and the mother's blood type may be any of the possibilities.

Can parents have negative and positive Rh children?

CAN children hae positive and negative RH factor blood types