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You need to balance your diet first.

You can't workout with a unbalanced diet. Try and make it an hour a day. If you can't do that at first try 30 minutes and gradually increase your time and the amount of exercise you do.

For abs, you don't need crunches.

The best ab workout is:

In & Outs


Crunchy Frog

Wide leg sit ups, much easier than simple crunches

Fifer Scissors

Hip Rock and Raise

Pulse ups

V-Roll Up

Oblique V-Ups

Leg Climbs

Mason Twists

Do 25 of each. Google videos on how do these. These are P90x workouts but they do work and you don't need P90x. NEVER DO THESE TWICE IN A ROW. Make it every other day.

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Q: What is a good diet and workout plan for losing weight and getting abs?
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The best way to ensure that you are getting proper nutrition is to eat a balanced diet. However, if you find it difficult to meet all of your nutritional needs on a diet, take a good multivitamin and perhaps a leucine supplement, which prevents you from losing muscle while losing weight.

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Are fitness lesson plans online?

There are many places online that provide information for losing weight and getting in shape. One of the best resources right now is Not only does this website provide basic to advanced workout plans, it also provides a location to track your activity and diet information.

Does the scarsdale diet actually work?

The scarsdale diet may or may not work for you. It really depends on how your body functions. Getting more daily exercise is also another method for losing weight.