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Honor, by definition, explains one with high regards or when great respect is given or received; but in my opinion, honor is one who shows unbelievable character, portrays honest qualities, and has the highest moral beliefs

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Only the person assigning the thesis can really tell you that. If I were to write a thesis on respect, I would include the following elements:

  • If you want to be respected, you must show respect to others.
  • You must make an effort to show respect for people or groups of people that are not generally respected; people who are surly, rude, opinionated, mean, and otherwise unpleasant.
  • Respect can't be phony; others will detect a false face all too soon.
  • To show respect for people that you don't really like, you must be patient and wait for them to show what their good qualities are (everyone has some), and you keep these things about the person in your mind when you are interacting with them.
  • When you are respectful of people who are difficult, they usually don't respond in kind, they may even think that you're mocking them, but if you are consistent and they know what to expect from you, many eventually change their attitude and show you the modicum of respect that they are capable of.
  • Showing respect for others includes not gossiping; don't say anything about someone else that you wouldn't say in front of them.
  • Never share confidences that others have entrusted to you.
  • Respect should not be limited to individuals alone; respect is important to be shown to institutions, employers, businesses (keeping in mind that you are usually interacting with a person without any power, working for a low wage, those are the people put in the front lines of many businesses), your community, and any entity that you interact with. Even if you have issues and concerns with one or the other of these things, you are sharing them with others.
  • Being respectful even when it is difficult and even when it's not reciprocated pays off in the overall scheme of life in society. You will surely find that you are not respected in some instances no matter how you behave but for the most part, you gain a lot more respect than if you responded to disrespect in kind or fell prey to a revengeful frame mind.
  • Overcoming our natural response mechanism to disrespect and ill treatment takes practice and over time, can be accomplished. It's just that it takes your whole lifetime, so don't wait to start practicing.
  • Being respectful and having a reputation for being respectful (which also brings you a reputation for honesty as a bonus) will affect how you view other people and your perspective of the vicissitudes inherent in society that you don't expect. There are other peripheral benefits that can't be predicted because they're a result of the individual person that you are.
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