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Amitai Etzioni (1975) identified three types of formal organizations: Utilitarian, normative and coercive organizations.

Utilitarian Organization pays people for their efforts. Anyone who works for income belongs to this organization. Becoming part of utilitarian organization-a business, government agency, or school system, for example- is usually a matter of individual choice (Voluntary).

Normative Organization- people join normative organizations not for income but to pursue some goal they think is morally worthwhile. Sometimes called voluntaryassociations, these include community service groups, political parties and religious organizations. In the U.S and in other high income countries are the most likely to join voluntary associations.

Coercive Organization- have involuntarymemberships. people are forced to join these organizations as a form of punishment (prisons or mental institutions). They isolate the inmates or patients for a period of time in order to change their attitudes and behavior

It is possible for a single formal organization to fall under these three categories from the point of view of different individuals: For example, a mental hospital serves as a coercive organization for a patient, a utilitarian organization for a psychiatrist, and a normative for a hospital volunteer.

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