

What is a valid opinion?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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13y ago

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An opinion is someone's thoughts and feelings on a subject. That opinion is said to be "valid" if there is good reasoning behind it, or if it's understandable that someone would feel that way.

People often say "that's a valid opinion, but ..." to show they don't agree but they don't mean any insult to the other person and they're not wanting to get into a heated argument.

Of course, whether someone's opinion is valid or not is also a matter of opinion.

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13y ago
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14y ago

An opinion is valid if the one expressing their opinion has grounds for their view, whether they have stated those grounds or not.

Opinions are beliefs, viewpoints, estimations of a matter.

Opinions are formed from one or more influencing factors, e.g.

  • knowledge of the facts, from which logical and reasonable conclusions/inferences can be deduced/extrapolated
  • the weight of opinion(s) of others
  • customary beliefs and cultural background, which often mold ideas and opinions on matters
  • personal maturity and experience, (or lack of!) which affects and molds attitudes, behavior and viewpoints
  • the evident professionalism of a credible authority when they express their opinion on a matter within their field of specialty, and only after they have carried out due and careful consideration of the matter and all the relevant facts and factors.
A professional's opinion may be even more 'valid' if they bear personal liability if their estimation of matters under consideration proves to be wrong or At Fault in some way.

In cases like this, a person may sometimes wish to seek a 'second opinion' before deciding on a particular course of action, rather than relying on the opinion of just one 'expert'.

  • the ability to foresee the consequences of holding to a particular opinion, or of taking a particular stand or position, on something
  • simple personal preference, which, although not having any weight of 'proof', is nevertheless as equally valid on a matter of personal taste and choice as any other person's opinion.
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