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A descriptive grammar tries to describe the actual structures and forms of a language. A prescriptive grammar is essentially a list of linguistic do's and don'ts.

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14y ago

Descriptive grammar records the errors people make without comment. Prescriptive grammar corrects the errors. Thus descriptive grammar records that many people sloppily say "It's me," while prescriptive grammar reminds us that well-spoken people properly say "It is I."

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Descriptive grammar does not distinguish between correct and incorrect usage, whereas prescriptive grammar does make the distinction.

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Q: Descriptive grammar and prescriptive grammar
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What statements about prescriptive and descriptive grammar is correct?

Prescriptive grammar focuses on establishing rules for "correct" language usage, often based on traditional norms or formal standards, while descriptive grammar describes how language is actually used by speakers. Both approaches have value: prescriptive grammar can set a standard for formal communication, while descriptive grammar helps linguists understand and analyze language as it naturally evolves.

What is the difference between descriptive grammar and prescriptive grammar?

Descriptive grammar describes how language is actually used by speakers, focusing on patterns and rules that are observed in natural language. Prescriptive grammar, on the other hand, prescribes rules and norms for how language should be used based on perceived standards of correctness or appropriateness.

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As a matter of prescriptive grammar, they are functionally the same. There is no reason why one is right or the other is wrong. As a matter of descriptive grammar, we can say that the phrase "If someone were to" is almost 5 times more common than the other one.

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