

All motion is relative

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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All motion is relative. The question "is this object moving?" is in fact meaningless unless we specify "moving relative to what other object". Similarly, there is no such thing as "absolute rest": it's just as true to say that the road is moving at 50 km/h relative to your car as it is to say that your car is moving at 50 km/h relative to the road.

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11y ago

Motion is change in position with respect to, or relative to another body.

All motion is relative because we do not know of a point in the universe which is absolutely FIXED. That means that we can never tell which body in the universe is actually moving. We can only say that a body is moving RELATIVE to another body. We assume that one of the bodies is "at rest", but we know that rest means nothing more than "rest" Relative to another body. In other words, we can never tell whether a body is really in motion or at rest. It is impossible to know. Anyone who insists that the earth or the sun is moving has not understood the nature of motion. Absolute rest and absolute motions are fictions.

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14y ago

Yes, all motion is relative. The question "is this object moving?" is in fact meaningless unless we specify "moving relative to what other object". Similarly, there is no such thing as "absolute rest": it's just as true to say that the road is moving at 50 km/h relative to your car as it is to say that your car is moving at 50 km/h relative to the road.

Einstein reputedly said: "what time does Oxford arrive at this train".

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10y ago

Is a car moving in the parking lot? Compared to the ground, no, but compared to the sun, yes the car is moving with the earth around the sun. On a train, all passengers are moving relative to the earth, but not moving when compared to each other. Walking in the train car you may move 20 meters in 10 seconds compared to the floor. Whether the train is moving or not you put forth the same energy for the walk. But if the train is stationary you moved 20 meters. If the train is moving you probably moved more than that. So your motion is relative to the earth and the train.

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10y ago

relative motion is predominantly horizontal (fault)

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When its position is changing relative to our position. Note: all motion is relative to something else.

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Explain the statement all motion is relative?

All motion is relative means that the motion of an object is described in relation to another object or frame of reference. This implies that there is no absolute reference point in the universe against which all motion can be measured, and that the perception of motion depends on the observer's point of view.

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