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The 26th Session of the International Labour Conference held in Philadelphia in 1944 adopted, by unanimous approval, a solemn Declaration of the aims and purposes of the International Labour Organization, and of the principles which should inspire the policy of its Members.(1) This "Declaration of Philadelphia" was incorporated in the ILO's Constitution, expanding the original objectives of the Organization set out in the preamble. Article 1 of the Constitution states that "a permanent organization is hereby established for the promotion of the objects set forth in the preamble to this Constitution and in the Declaration concerning the aims and purposes of the International Labour Organization adopted at Philadelphia on 10 May 1944 the text of which is annexed to this Constitution".(2) The aim of this article is to examine, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its adoption, the background to this event, the significance of the document and the key ideas which underlay it, and its subsequent impact on the work of the ILO. This provides the backdrop for assessing the contemporary relevance of the principles and objectives proclaimed in the Declaration and for some reflections on the future. The 26th Session of the International Labour Conference held in Philadelphia in 1944 adopted, by unanimous approval, a solemn Declaration of the aims and purposes of the International Labour Organization, and of the principles which should inspire the policy of its Members.(1) This "Declaration of Philadelphia" was incorporated in the ILO's Constitution, expanding the original objectives of the Organization set out in the preamble. Article 1 of the Constitution states that "a permanent organization is hereby established for the promotion of the objects set forth in the preamble to this Constitution and in the Declaration concerning the aims and purposes of the International Labour Organization adopted at Philadelphia on 10 May 1944 the text of which is annexed to this Constitution".(2) The aim of this article is to examine, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its adoption, the background to this event, the significance of the document and the key ideas which underlay it, and its subsequent impact on the work of the ILO. This provides the backdrop for assessing the contemporary relevance of the principles and objectives proclaimed in the Declaration and for some reflections on the future.

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