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Weight Watchers teaches portion control on EVERYTHING.

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Q: What is the best diet - Weight Watchers or low carbohydrates or portion control or just eating 1200 calories per day?
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Related questions

In what system of the Weight Watchers Diet system does the person not have to keep track of counting calories?

Right now, Weight Watchers has the Points Values system, where everything listed on their website is based on calories, total fat, and dietary fiber.

How effective is a nutritionist versus Weight Watchers?

Good question. Weight Watchers teaches portion control.

Can Weight Watchers work on just meal plans?

Yes, but you need to practice portion control to do that.

If you join Weight Watchers should you punish yourself for gaining weight?

NO! Weight Watchers simply teaches portion control and you just need to learn from your mistakes.

What percent or portion of food consumption should be carbohydrates?

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, states that half of your calories should come from carbohydrates. For example, if you eat approximately 2,000 calories per day, you should take in about 250 grams of carbohydrates.

Are there online tools to help with portion control?

There are many online tools that will help with portion control in your diet. Some are as simple as pictures that show just how much a serving is using measures you have at hand. Weight Watchers sells seriving utensils in portion control sizes.

What is the Weight Watchers points equation?

You have to divide the Calories (per portion) by 70, and divide the Saturated Fat (per portion) by 4. Then add your two answers together, this will give you the points values.

Point reduction vs weight loss on Weight Watchers?

Point reduction helps, because it helps with portion control.

Do the Weight Watchers dinner recipes work and are they easy to make?

Weight Watchers is based primarily on portion size. If you adhere to the prescribed recipes, you will eat smaller meals and therefore less calories. They are typically easy to make as well.

Do you need to avoid pasta to lose weight?

No, but you need to be aware of calories and carbohydrates. Read the nutrition labels carefully and watch your portion sizes.

How much can you expect to lose in a month on the weight watchers diet plan?

Weight Watchers offers prepackaged meals. Monthly weight loss is different for each person. Depending on your meal portion control, and exercising routines.

What 2 nutrients supply your body with energy?

Calories provide a large portion of our energy, but our main and best fuels are the nutrients found in fruits and veggies.