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I would say, first of all, cut out the sugar. Ask your mother if she could buy you sugar free products. Usually these products are still sweet, they're just made with an artificial sweetener. Then I would suggest drinking water instead of high calorie sodas or koolaid. Drink fat free milk instead of whole milk. Watch the amount of food you're eatting (the portion size). Make sure that you eat dinner about 3-4 hours before you go to bed, and do not snack before you go to sleep, That's a no no. Try not to eat any desserts, they are usually extrememly high in fat calories. So, in a nut shell: Eat smaller portions, Drink water or flavored water, Don't eat past 4-5pm, Cut out as many sugars as possible.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago
  • Yes, change eating and exercise habits. Make sure they do not eat much junk food and this includes all refined processed carbohydrates. Exclude those foods as much as possible from the diet, apart from the occasional treat. Include raw food in the diet and avoid saturated fats. Use beneficial fats and oils. Snack on raw vegetables. Use far more fresh vegetables and fruits. Replace sodas with fresh water apart from the ocassional treat. Include lots of physical exercise and physical activities.
  • Give them lots and lots of raw food, make sure they have porridge or oats for either breakfast or an after school meal. Have breakfast as biggest meal of day and dinner the smallest. Really important ! get them to grow some vegetables, there is no limit to how much they can eat from the garden. Never give kids high sugar drinks, make them have water, most processed juices full of sugar too, so stick to just squeezed only. Include more spices gradually, and include foods that dissolve fats. The worst thing of all is deep fried fatty foods and sugar snacks, that need to be substituted with lots of snacks between meals like nuts, healthier snacks or more raw foods.
  • Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, also include raw vegetables and salad vegetables in the diet, include fresh fruits, cut right down on refined processed carbohydrates apart from the occasional treat, drink plenty of fresh water, cut out sodas, run, play sports, engage in any cardio exercise such as brisk walking, running, jogging, trampolining, cross country skiing, Nordic walking, etc. Cardio exercise is an excellent fat burner.

For more in-depth information and details about what to eat, what to avoid, and the best type of exercise, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Eat healthier, get more exercise. But mainly, stop drinking pop, or soda. Most people don't realize it, but alot of extra weight comes from ingesting their favorite soft drinks.

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Q: What is the easiest way for a kid to lose weight?
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i wright a best 26 methods or tips. these are very easy weight loss so, you can read here

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Eat less fatty and sugary stuff, exercise more. Give up the sodas.

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The Mayo Clinic Diet is a weight loss & lifestyle program that was designed by the experts at the Mayo Clinic. The purpose is to help you lose weight by teaching healthy eating and habits to develop and

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you should ask a doctor the best way to lose weight then. i lost like 2 pounds laying of the junk food for 3 DAYS!

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The number of calories you should take in on a diet will depend on your weight and activity level. A low calorie diet (within reason) is the easiest way to lose weight, since weight loss depends on burning more calories than you take in.

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There are many different ways to lose a lot of weight fast. That said, many diet plans leave you feeling hungry or unsatisfied That’s why I went online, I did some research and I finally found one of the easiest ways to lose weight fast Here are three different videos which you can watch for free that will help you lose weight htt ps://exe .io/Ngmr63e (Remove space and follow)

Is their anything a 11 year old can take to lose weight?

Taking diet pills is never the best option at any age. For a kid, diet and exercise are a great way to lose weight. Sounds cliche, but if you want to be healthy while doing it, that's the best way.

Do sports help people lose weight?

It really depends on what you're participating in. Just participating in sports doesn't make you lose weight for good. You need to do a combination of cardiovascular exercise (such as running) and strength training. The cardiovascular aspect helps you to lose weight, but the weight doesn't stay off unless you increase your metabolism. The easiest way to do that is to strengthen/lift weights.

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An illness would be the only way for a kid to lose that much weight.

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Eat healthier foods, and eat less. You can also exercise by walking, running, or partaking in any number of sports.

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there are 2 ways #1 stop eating at lunch and barley eat breakfast and dinner or # 2 eat healthy but # 2 is hard