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Mohandas Gandhi has made an imense contribution to the world. As he was a person who got independence from England without going to war. And the Americans could not believe such a thing could be done without firing at least one bullet. As they lived in the wild west and only guns.

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15y ago
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14y ago

The person who will head the list of people for their contribution to India it will be none other than Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Not just because he is the Father of the Nation but his immense contribution to the country not just in terms of struggle for freedom but his ideologies and thoughts which changed the map of our country. When he took the charge of Indian National Congress it was a turning point in its history due to his enormous following, his spiritual powers and his non-violent means of fighting. Gandhi introduced the concept of Satyagraha. Which appealed to the common masses who were largely pious and religious. Gandhi adhered to a strictly non-violent protest. No matter what happened he never diverted from his ideologies and every time he was successful. Gandhiji always followed the path of non-violence or Ahimsa. His tactic of passive resistance or Satyagraha was his weapon to fight against the British rule. Swaraj for Gandhi meant self-rule, as much a moral and personal ethic, the self-rule of an individual over his own impulses and weaknesses, as the political objective of a people struggling rightfully to be free - an ambiguity which Gandhi was repeatedly to exploit during his Non-cooperation and Civil Disobedience Movements.

Gandhiji and his ideologies were quite successful among the common masses. He planned to win leadership of those organizations, which fitted his grand purpose, the achievement of Swaraj. Gandhiji made very valuable contribution, firstly, to frame the secular agenda within the parameters of the Indian cultural tradition, and subscribed to the dictum of Sarva dharma sambhava i.e. equal respect for all religions. Secondly, he gave an indigenous content to the concept of nationhood, arguing that it was the common heritage of a highly pluralistic, multicultural civilisation, which provided the necessary clue to hold the Indian people together, as against the Western concept of 'nations' being one race, one religion and one language. He always believed in the idea of 'unity' in diversity. All his life he battled against the cult of violence and war; against cruelty of man to man; against industrialism and domination of man by machine; inequality and discrimination. His fight to give equal rights to each and every person of the society irrespective of which strata they belong made him immortal among us. He tried to attained moksha by service to mankind. Gandhiji portrays a multi-faceted moral and spiritual messiah. His tireless endeavor to make people understand the basic happiness of life is to be happy with whatever you have, thus showing the only way to save the world.

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12y ago

He encouraged the people of India to stand up to British Imperialism. An example was the salt march, where gandhi walked miles to the coastline to make salt. The British had outlawed making salt so that the Indian people had to buy it from the British. He was put in jail for this (once again). He also led many PEACEFUL protests. He believed that by being nonviolent, the people of India were showing that they were better and more civilized. He also wanted to make a point without causing physical conflict.

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9y ago

Mahatma Gandhi was one of the most influential people in the history of the world. He was a peacemaker in India.

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10y ago

He fought for the freedom of their people.

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11y ago

philosophy and ideology

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Q: What was the contribution of mahatma Gandhi in independence of India?
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He helped India get independence from British when they took control of India. He is an Gujarathi.

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Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi was the preeminent leader in India's struggle for independence from British rule.

Was mahatma Gandhi a prince?

No, Mahatma Gandhi was not a prince. He was a political leader and social activist who played a significant role in India's struggle for independence from British rule.

How has Gandhi made a valuable contribution to society?

Arguably, Mahatma Gandhi's most valuable contribution to society was not the independence of India, since that would have come sooner or later anyway. His most valuable contributions were the demonstration of people power and that passive resistance works.