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a quadrilateral in which diagonal are not congruent and larger diagonal is perpendicular bisector of smaller diagonal then it is known as kite

-- M.S. Vighe

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Q: What is the definition of a kite how a kite works?
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How kite works?

why the hell you askin

If a quadrilateral is a square then it is not a kite?

A kite is a quadrilateral is a kite if it has two sets of sides that are the same length and are adjacent to each other. A square fits this definition, so a square is a kite.

What is the definition for kite string?

A kite string is a string which connects a kite to the person flying it. The string not only prevents the kite from flying away but actually keeps it flying by assuring that it does not turn from the wind.

What is the definition of a mathematical kite?

a quadrilateral in which diagonal are not congruent and larger diagonal is perpendicular bisector of smaller diagonal then it is known as kite

What are the properties for a kite?

KITE: Definition: A quadrilateral with two distinct pairs of equal adjacent sides.A kite-shaped figure.---- Properties :1.Diagonals intersect at right angles.2.Angles between unequal sides are equal3. AreaThe area of a kite can be calculated in various ways. PerimeterThe distance around the kite. The sum of its sides. A kite can become a rhombusIn the special case where all 4 sides are the same length, the kite satisfies the definition of a rhombus. A rhombus in turn can become a square if its interior angles are 90°.

The definition of bridle of a kite?

The bridle is how/where the line you fly it with attaches to the kite. On the simple sort-of-diamond-shaped kites many of us had as kids, it's the three tied strings on the concave side of the kite.

What is the definition of the shape kite?

A kite has two pairs of adjacent sides congruent. The diagonals intersect at right angles and bisect one set of angles.

What is the definition of compound cellular kite?

A cellular kite is an organic-based scaffolding / support for a structure of some sort. These cellular kites can be classified into a variety of shapes e.g. octagonal, hexagonal, etc. A compound cellular kite is when the cellular kite is a hybrid of one of these shapes.

What is the math definition of kite?

It is a quadrilateral with two pairs of adjacent sides of equal length.

Is a kite a regular polygon?

The definition of a regular polygons is a polygon that is both equiangular and equilateral. in a kite not all the sides are the same then its angles are not all equal then it is not a regular polygon.

Why did Benjamin Franklin make the kite?

He wanted to prove the electricity works. and kill him sefh

Is every kites a quadrilateral?

The geometric figure known as a kite is, by definition, a quadrilateral.The toy that flies in the air known as a kite can have pretty much any shape imaginable, many of which are not quadrilaterals.