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Yes,you can go onto your account settings for iTunes and then click Edit payment information. You can enter an iTunes card as long as you have the code on the back

that's only when you start creating an account when you already have an account you go to itunes and go to redeem and type in your itunes gift card code

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12y ago
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14y ago

An iTunes card is money for everything in iTunes, including music, apps, and much more. The iTunes app card is only for Apps for the iPhone or iPod Touch.

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Related questions

Can you purchase games with a apps card or an iTunes card?

You can purchase games with an apps card and an iTunes card. There is no difference between the two.

What is the difference between a itunes card and a apple store card?

An iTunes Gift Card is used for music/video/games/apps purchase from the iTunes Music Store.An Apple Store Gift Card is used for mac hardware and software purchases either in-store, or from the Apple Online Store.

Can you buy apps with iTunes card?

Yes you can, a itunes gift card can buy anything on itunes.

Can I buy apps for an ipod touch in tunes with i tunes gift card?

The iTunes app card is only for Apps for the iPhone or iPod Touch.Read more: What_is_the_difference_between_an_iTunes_card_and_an_iTunes_apps_card

Can you buy apps on iTunes just with a iTunes gift card and no credit card?


Do you need a iTunes card to install apps?

you don't need an itunes card (you can use one but you don't have to), bit you do have to have an itunes account and a credit card

Does an iTunes card count for apps?

yes,when you upload the card onto your account you can spend it on movies,series,music,apps and anything else you find on the Itunes store.

Do you use an iTunes card for apps?

iTunes gift cards and App Store gift cards can both be used to buy apps.

Can you only use a iTunes card for iTunes?

Im almost positive you can get apps too

Can you use an itunes gift card to buy apps?


Can you buy apps with a iTunes gift card?

Yes you can, I have before. :)

Can you get apps on iPhone without without signing upto iTunes?

you can, but only with an iTunes gift card