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Q: What is the employee relations strategy in place at your organization?
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Explain the positive effects on your organisation if presentation and interpersonal standards are maintained?

This really depends on whether your organization's presentation and interpersonal standards are beneficial to the organization in the first place. If they are beneficial and they are maintained, your organization can expect better public relations and higher employee motivation due to a better working environment. But over the longer term, maintaining standards may not be beneficial due to unforeseen challenges and competition. Change of standards is a must for survivability.

Dis advantages of employee transfer?

Many disadvantages i) Costly both for employee and organization as employee has to run two families and organization has to bear the cost of transfer ii) the morale of employee goes down iii) body of employee will be in place of transfer and mind and soul will remain in native iv) employee will take frequent leave v) weak-minded man will either resign or slip under depression vi) transfers have compelled many to resign and many to commit suicide.

What is used sometimes in place of traditional employee discipline in today's workplace?

A more effective approach now being used by many companies recognizes good performance and encourages employee commitment to the organization and its goals.

What are the 3 generic strategies according to Michael porter?

1) every organization needs a start 2)strategy means pursuing a position that is unique 3)strategy decides companies position in market place 4)strategy to be socially beneficial-society wants choice (having innovation) 5)technology as an enabler

How does the working opportunity able to motivate the employee in organization?

The boss behavior is the key to motivation at work place. New working opportunities will enhance the confidence and growth chances in the career.

What would make this organization a better place to work. Please give specific examples?

Management must place as high a priority on employee satisfaction as it does on customer satisfaction, quality, finacials and other strategic performance measured. Every aspect of our business - recruitment, training programs, even bonus plans is liked at employee satisfaction.

The biggest area of improvement of our company?

This is a question often throw into employee assessment, business planning and business sales strategy discussions It requires that the answer summarises how the business in an area or areas has improved over a given timeframe. It will involve a description of the shortfall, how that was approached and how the strategy was put in place. What the expects outcome was to be and what the actual was.

The company learn to handle matters of employee relations on their own. it is the best Long term sustainable solution?

Your question is not worded very well... Do you mean what is the best sustainable solution for a company handling emloyee relations? If this is the question, my answer is, it should be frowned upon. It will usually cause problems in the work place and should be discouraged.

How do strategic decision contribute to improving organizational performance?

ORGANIZATIONAL IMPROVEMENT AND STRATEGYFor the organization to be effective, the vision contained in the organization's strategy must be concerned with the overall task of the organization. There have been many descriptions of this task. However, for our purposes the description generated by Igor Ansoff will serve best. This states that the overall task of the organization is that of arranging, managing and controlling the 'resource conversion process in such a WA as to optimize the attainment of the objectives.' For profit-making organizations, these objectives will be concerned with a complex mixture of often conflicting issues such as profit maximization, growth, revenue increase and power. Non-profit-making organizations will be concerned with an equally complex mixture which might include service provision, resource maximization, influence etc. Whatever the nature or detail of these objectives might be, they are all concerned with gain. The common presence of this gain in the strategy of all organizations means that we begin to view strategy as an organization improvement process. This is so because the strategy or vision of an organization and the decision taken to arrive at it, represent, a deliberate and conscious attempt to improve outcome of the actions or performance of the organization. These strategic decisions can be described as generating the framework within which performance improvement can take place. What certainly is true that the absence of organization strategy will mean that any effect at performance improvement might be short lived, in conflict with each other or even irrelevant.  There is a need for well defined strategy for improving organization for achieving objectives of business and mutuality.  Strategy can provide a steering force for organization improvement.  Whether explicitly thought over, written or not in practice strategic decisions are taken by management for organizational improvement, as they are required for healthy existence and growth of the organization.

What are the normal trade relations?

Normal trade relations refer to the standard trading terms and conditions between countries without any special trade agreements or tariffs in place. It allows for trade to flow freely between countries based on existing World Trade Organization rules and agreements.

Is there anything unique or unusual about this organization that makes it a great place to work. Please give specific examples?

Making our company a great place to work starts at the top. Management must place as high a priority on employee satisfaction as it does on customer satisfaction, quality, finacials and other strategic performance measured. Every aspect of our business - recruitment, training programs, even bonus plans is liked at employee satisfaction.

Is school an organization?

Any place with people in a hierarchy is an organization.