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There is no standard fine: it would depend on what you were convicted of. If you were convicted of driving under the influence, even though your BAL was under .08, the minimum fine is $390, plus a ton of add-ons. By the time the all the penalties, assessments and fees are tacked on, the total fine is in the neighborhood of $1,700. However, that's just the beginning. You are also obligated to attend a 90 day drunk driver's school, which will cost you a good chunk of money. And then the whopper: your CAR insurance. Through the roof! On the other hand, if you aren't charged with (or convicted of) a DUI, then the fine will depend on whatever rule of the road you were cited for.

As of 2009, total payment amounts will be a bit more than 4X the amount of your "base fine".

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Q: What is the fine for a blood alcohol content of 06 in ca if over 21?
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The only drug that affects your blood alcohol content is alcohol.

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What sort of blood test is a BAL?

BAL stands for "Blood alcohol content", so the most basic answer to this question is that it is a test that tests for the content of alcohol in your blood. The units in which it gives the result of this test is usually in percentage of the blood that is alcohol at the time of the test. The most common way of testing for the BAC of somebody is a breathalyzer, which is most often used by police who are testing to see if a driver is over the legal limit of BAC, which is .08 if you are over 21 in most states in the U.S.

Why is the breathalyzer important?

A breathalyzer is important because that is how the police officer will test your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) to see if you are over the legal limit for driving.

What is he blood alcohol content for Mississippi?

I assume you mean for a DUI. .08% if you're over 21. .02% if you're under 21.

Why do you need to wipe off the first blood drop when donation?

The first drop of blood is diluted with the alcohol wipe that was put over the tip of your finger; the alcohol may also interfere with the iron content test. To get an accurate reading, the first drop is wiped away and fresh blood is collected.

What are the DUI procedures in Michigan?

In Michigan it is an offence to have a blood alcohol level of over .08 for the over 21s. If one is found to have a level over .17 a fine of $700 dollars or up to 180 days in jail may be the consequence.

How much is a reasonable fine for a DUI?

It depends on how high your blood/alcohol level is and if it is low you can get 3 demerit points and an $500-$800 fine. If your b/a level is over 1.5 or 2 you can go to jail but either way don't do it

What is Blood alcohol concentration 0f 2.2?

Standard alcohol measurements are given as a percentage content of your overall blood. A 2.2 blood alcohol concentration is not possible from drinking alcohol because death would come much quicker. I work in a detox and the highest I have ever seen was .561, which means just over half of one percent of overall blood content. This was a person with extremely high tolerance. Most people would be in danger at a much lower level. One college student in our town died from alcohol and the autopsy revealed .355. This doesn't mean .355 killed him. The body stops processing alcohol with death so he died somewhere on the way up to a .355.

What is the legal limit for driving when over the age 21?

The legal limit for blood alcohol concentration when driving for those over the age of 21 is typically 0.08%. Driving with a BAC over this limit is considered a criminal offense in most jurisdictions.

What effects your blood alcohol level?

Drinking to much alcohol or beer can change or affect you blood alcohol level immensely If you blood alcohol level is over .08 it is illegal to drive. Things that affect BAC include the quantity of alcohol consumed, the length of time during which consumption occurs, the contents of the stomach, the gender, the weight, and the ratio of fat to non-fat in the body.