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The flesh colored bumps in the back of your throat could be a mucocele or lymphoid follicles. Both of these are harmless, do not cause any pain and do not require treatment.

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Q: What is the flesh colored bumps in the back of your throat?
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What are red bumps on the back of the throat?

Step throat

What could be the cause of the red bumps on the back of your tongue and throat Both your tongue and throat are sore?

Deficiency of the vitamins the tongue sore is the cause to tongue sore.

I have bumps on the back of my mouth and lumps under my tongue it hurts to swallow?

If you have bumps on back of your mouth and under your tongue and it hurts to swallow, you are most likely coming down with some kind of virus. It may be strep throat and will need to be checked out by a physician.

What can cause red bumps on the back of your throat?

A cold usually comes along with other things, sometimes flu, strep throat, etc. and the reason that is is because coughs and colds lower your immune system, the body is fighting the cold and it lowers the immune system allowing other virus's and germs to get in this also includes allergies

Are there tonsils on the tongue at the back of the throat?

The tonsils are right before your tonge. If you open your mouth you can see them, they are 2 big bumps on the left and the right side.

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Are pimple like bumps located at the back of the throat a cause for concern?

No, everyone has them. I disagree with the first answer. Pustules in the throat may be a sign of infection. A physician should be seen if there is pain and/or accompanying fever.

You have small bumps on the very back of your tongue on the right and left side far back towards your throat They arent painful but you can feel them when you swallow What could these bumps be?

Could be just Olsders, anything in mouth first try a bit of bonjela, get it from most chemists a clear gel for in mouth problems..

How do bulimics throw up with their finger?

Bulimics touch their uvula, in the back of the throat, that piece of flesh that you can see when you open your mouth. The natural reflex is to throw up.

What are the bumps on my back?

the bumps on your back is because either you have a virus or an eritation to somthing you put on your body like a new cream or somthing

Why do you have white bumps on your tonsles?

It's possible that you have strep throat. You should get a strep test just in case. Just visit a doctor, and they'll swipe a swab on the back of your throat. If the strep test is negative, then the doc may figure out another illness you may have. There's definitely something up with your throat tho.

What is a red ring in the back of the throat called?

strep throat