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Gotoxy is a programming command that can change the position of the cursor. The new cursor position can be specified in the format (x,y).

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1mo ago

gotoxy is a function in some programming languages, such as Turbo C, that is used to move the cursor position to a specific coordinate on the screen. This function is commonly used in text-based console applications to control where text or graphics are displayed.

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Function of GoTOXY?

Gotoxy is used to move the cursor on the monitor screen. Gotoxy follows a certain programming code to put the cursor in the desired position.

Example of ATM programing by turbo c?

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define pf printf #define s scanf int gd=DETECT, gm, pa, o, b; int i; int x, y, i,ch,c; int c, m, p, qn, cm, mp, cp, cmp, n, k, p1, g,qcm,qmp,qcp,qc,qm,qp; void main() { initgraph(&gd,&gm," "); cleardevice(); line(0,0,639,0); line(0,0,0,479); line(639,0,639,479); line(639,479,0,479); line(589,479,0,479); randomize(); for(i=0;i<640;i++) { setcolor(i); x=rand()%639; y=rand()%480; putpixel (x,y,i); { setcolor(RED); settextstyle(3,0,5); outtextxy(60,100, "PROJECT IN DISCRETE"); setcolor(RED); settextstyle(3,0,5); outtextxy(80,135, "MATHEMATICS"); setcolor(i); settextstyle(2,0,5); outtextxy(120,192,"SUBMITTED BY :"); setcolor(i); settextstyle(2,0,5); outtextxy(120,202,"Cabrera"); setcolor(i); settextstyle(2,0,5); outtextxy(120,214,"Gaspar"); setcolor(i); settextstyle(2,0,5); outtextxy(120,226,"Molina"); setcolor(i); settextstyle(2,0,5); outtextxy(120,238,"Viray"); } setcolor(i); settextstyle(2,0,5); outtextxy(400,350,"U P L O A D i N G..."); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(i,378,"="); outtextxy(i,406,"="); setcolor(WHITE); circle(i,400,10); delay(1); } cleardevice(); gotoxy(10,7); pf("Enter 1 for V E N N D I A G R A M "); gotoxy(10,8); pf("Enter 2 for S E T N O T A T I O N"); gotoxy(10,10); printf("Input: "); s("%d",&pa); cleardevice(); { if(pa==1) { { line(0,0,639,0); line(0,0,0,479); line(639,0,639,479); line(639,479,0,479); line(589,479,0,479); randomize(); for(i=0;i<640;i++) { setcolor(i); x=rand()%639; y=rand()%480; putpixel (x,y,i); { setcolor(i); settextstyle(9,0,5); outtextxy(60,100, "V E N N"); setcolor(i); settextstyle(9,0,5); outtextxy(80,165, "D I A G R A M"); } setcolor(i); settextstyle(2,0,5); outtextxy(400,350,"U P L O A D i N G..."); setcolor(YELLOW); outtextxy(i,378,"="); outtextxy(i,406,"="); setcolor(WHITE); circle(i,400,10); delay(1); } sleep(1); cleardevice(); } gotoxy(10,7); pf("Enter 1 if the Outside is missing. 3 Circle. "); gotoxy(10,8); pf("Enter 2 if the Total is missing. 3 Circle."); gotoxy(10,11); printf("Choice : "); s("%d",&p1); for(g=1;g<=8;g++) { if(p1==1) { cleardevice(); gotoxy(32,8); pf("Input the Values for the following variables:"); gotoxy(32,11); pf("X:"); gotoxy(32,12); pf("Y:"); gotoxy(32,13); pf("Z:"); gotoxy(32,14); pf("XY:"); gotoxy(32,15); pf("XZ:"); gotoxy(32,16); pf("YZ:"); gotoxy(32,17); pf("XYZ:"); gotoxy(32,18); pf("Outside:"); gotoxy(32,19); pf("Total Number:"); { if(g==1){gotoxy(42,18);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);s("%d",&c);} if(g==2){gotoxy(42,18);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);s("%d",&m);} if(g==3){gotoxy(42,18);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);s("%d",&p);} if(g==4){gotoxy(42,18);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);pf("%d",p);gotoxy(42,14);scanf("%d",&cm);} if(g==5){gotoxy(42,18);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);pf("%d",p);gotoxy(42,14);pf("%d",cm);gotoxy(42,15);s("%d",&cp);} if(g==6){gotoxy(42,18);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);pf("%d",p);gotoxy(42,14);pf("%d",cm);gotoxy(42,15);pf("%d",cp);gotoxy(42,16);s("%d",&mp);} if(g==7){gotoxy(42,18);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);pf("%d",p);gotoxy(42,14);pf("%d",cm);gotoxy(42,15);pf("%d",cp);gotoxy(42,16);pf("%d",mp);gotoxy(42,17);s("%d",&cmp);} if(g==8){gotoxy(42,18);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);pf("%d",p);gotoxy(42,14);pf("%d",cm);gotoxy(42,15);pf("%d",cp);gotoxy(42,16);pf("%d",mp);gotoxy(42,17);pf("%d",cmp);gotoxy(50,19);s("%d",&k);} cleardevice(); }} { qcm=cm-cmp; qmp=mp-cmp; qcp=cp-cmp; qc=c-(qcp+cmp+qcm); qm=m-(qcm+cmp+qmp); qp=p-(qcp+cmp+qmp); qn=k-(cmp+qcp+qcm+qmp+qc+qm+qp); } cleardevice(); setcolor(RED); rectangle(600,450,40,40); setcolor(YELLOW); circle(250,200,125); setcolor(GREEN); circle(375,200,125); setcolor(BLUE); circle(313,300,125); gotoxy(39,15); printf("%d",cmp); gotoxy(30,4); printf("X"); gotoxy(49,4); printf("Y"); gotoxy(23,12); printf("%d",qc); gotoxy(55,12); printf("%d",qm); gotoxy(39,23); printf("%d",qp); gotoxy(39,9); printf("%d",qcm); gotoxy(30,18); printf("%d",qcp); gotoxy(49,18); printf("%d",qmp); gotoxy(63,25); printf("%d",qn); gotoxy(39,27); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(310,435,"Z"); } for(g=1;g<=8;g++) { if(p1==2) {cleardevice(); gotoxy(32,8); pf("Input the Values for the following variables:"); gotoxy(32,11); pf("X:"); gotoxy(32,12); pf("Y:"); gotoxy(32,13); pf("Z:"); gotoxy(32,14); pf("XY:"); gotoxy(32,15); pf("XZ:"); gotoxy(32,16); pf("YZ:"); gotoxy(32,17); pf("XYZ:"); gotoxy(32,18); pf("Outside:"); gotoxy(32,19); pf("Total Number:"); { if(g==1){gotoxy(42,19);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);s("%d",&c);} if(g==2){gotoxy(42,19);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);s("%d",&m);} if(g==3){gotoxy(42,19);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);s("%d",&p);} if(g==4){gotoxy(42,19);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);pf("%d",p);gotoxy(42,14);scanf("%d",&cm);} if(g==5){gotoxy(42,19);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);pf("%d",p);gotoxy(42,14);pf("%d",cm);gotoxy(42,15);s("%d",&cp);} if(g==6){gotoxy(42,19);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);pf("%d",p);gotoxy(42,14);pf("%d",cm);gotoxy(42,15);pf("%d",cp);gotoxy(42,16);s("%d",&mp);} if(g==7){gotoxy(42,19);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);pf("%d",p);gotoxy(42,14);pf("%d",cm);gotoxy(42,15);pf("%d",cp);gotoxy(42,16);pf("%d",mp);gotoxy(42,17);pf("%d",cmp);gotoxy(42,18);s("%d",&n);} cleardevice(); }} { qcm=cm-cmp; qmp=mp-cmp; qcp=cp-cmp; qc=c-(qcp+cmp+qcm); qm=m-(qcm+cmp+qmp); qp=p-(qcp+cmp+qmp); qn=k-(cmp+qcp+qcm+qmp+qc+qm+qp); } cleardevice(); setcolor(RED); rectangle(600,450,40,40); setcolor(YELLOW); circle(250,200,125); setcolor(GREEN); circle(375,200,125); setcolor(BLUE); circle(313,300,125); gotoxy(39,15); printf("%d",cmp); gotoxy(30,4); printf("X"); gotoxy(49,4); printf("Y"); gotoxy(23,12); printf("%d",qc); gotoxy(55,12); printf("%d",qm); gotoxy(39,23); printf("%d",qp); gotoxy(39,9); printf("%d",qcm); gotoxy(30,18); printf("%d",qcp); gotoxy(49,18); printf("%d",qmp); gotoxy(63,25); printf("%d",qn); gotoxy(39,27); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(310,435,"Z"); } } getche(); } { if(pa==2) { { line(0,0,639,0); line(0,0,0,479); line(639,0,639,479); line(639,479,0,479); line(589,479,0,479); randomize(); for(i=0;i<640;i++) { setcolor(i); x=rand()%639; y=rand()%480; putpixel (x,y,i); { setcolor(i); settextstyle(9,0,5); outtextxy(60,100, "S E T"); setcolor(i); settextstyle(9,0,5); outtextxy(50,165, "N O T A T I O N"); } setcolor(i); settextstyle(2,0,5); outtextxy(400,350,"U P L O A D i N G..."); setcolor(YELLOW); outtextxy(i,378,"="); outtextxy(i,406,"="); setcolor(WHITE); circle(i,400,10); delay(1); } sleep(1); cleardevice(); } printf("ogi"); getche(); } } cleardevice(); gotoxy(10,10); printf("--END--"); getche(); }

How do you write a program in c for making swastik fig by using for loops and space loop?

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters#include #includemain(){int i;clrscr();for(i=10;i

How do you write a program using the gotoxy statement and print function to display letters of the alphabet on the computer screen?

There is no gotoxy statement in C.

What is syntax in gotoxy?

AnswerGotoXY is a function or procedure that positions the cursor at (X,Y), X in horizontal, Y in vertical direction relative to the origin of the current window. The origin is located at (1,1), the upper-left corner of the window. AnswerDescription This shows how to use the gotoxy function in C to move the text cursor to a different location on the screen Code#include#includeint main(void){int i;printf("This is the first line.\n");gotoxy(10,4);printf("This is the second line.\n");gotoxy(20,8);printf("And this is line 3.\n");return 0;}

Which header file is used for gotoxy function in turbo c plus plus?

It's in conio.h, but don't use gotoxy. Use SetCursorPosition() instead.

How do you set the cursor in turbo c?

gotoXY from conio.h

What program in Turbo C that determines whether the input is vowel or consonant letter?

#include<stdio.h> main() { char ch; clrscr(); gotoxy(5,3); printf("*Identification of Consonant and Vowel letter*"); gotoxy(5,5); printf("*Please input a letter from A-Z in order to determine"); gotoxy(5,6); printf("if it is a CONSONANT or a VOWEL*"); gotoxy(5,8); printf("Enter a Letter: "); scanf("%c",&ch); gotoxy(5,10); printf("Letter %c is a ",ch); switch(ch) { case 'A': case 'a': case 'E': case 'e': case 'I': case 'i': case 'O': case 'o': case 'U': case 'u': printf("VOWEL."); break; default: gotoxy(5,10); printf("Letter %c is a CONSONANT.",ch); } gotoxy(5,15); printf("Thanks you for trying this!"); getch(); }

What is gotoxy in turbo c?

A function, defined in conio.h. Use the help.

Why to use gotoxy function in c plus plus?

to locate coordinates ..

Tell more about gotoxy statemant and more of its use in c and c plus plus?

gotoXY function is defined in conio.h, it places the cursor to the given position. If you have any question about it, use the built-in help.

How can you make a running message using gotoxy?

here it goes #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> int main() { for(int i=1;i<79;i++) { gotoxy(i,10); cout<<"hi"; delay(50); clrscr(); } return 0; }