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No problem if medications are used on healthy horses at the correct dosage for their route Vet schools and "books" will recommend against using "ace" stating it can cause "priapism" in males. Never seen it in 40 years of practice, nor have I heard of any other vet who's had it be a problem It's a good combination, especially if you can't afford detomidine and need a sedative to act longer than the xylazine alone

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Q: What is the problem if you inject acepromazine and xylazine inject in horse?
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What is in horse traqulizers?

The most commonly used horse tranquilizer is Acepromazine, the chemical formula is C19H22N2O.

What is in a Horse tranquilizer?

If you are asking what is used to tranquilize a horse, it could be any of several different classes of drugs ranging from acepromazine to opioids.

How long can rompun be tested in a horse's system?

The drug Rompun (xylazine) has a half life in the horse of 50 minutes. So an hour after you have given a dose 1/2 of the amount given is still in the animals system the next hour 1/2 of that is gone so 1/4 of the original dose is still there the third hour you are down to 1/8th and the fourth hour down to 1/16. You can expect it to be completely cleared in 48 hours. Rompun should NEVER be given by anyone other than a veterinarian! It is NOT a tranquilizer, but and anesthetic/pre-anesthetic and can kill a horse very quickly if you do not know the signs of cardiac/respiratory distress and have yohimbine on hand to reverse the effects!NEVER allow anyone other than a qualified veterinarian or technician to administer this drug to your horse. Lately many farriers have been getting their hands on this drug instead of acepromazine because of its faster acting effects with some really disasterous results. Acepromazine does not effect the hematocrit (Blood oxygen content) when respiration is slower which is NOT true of xylazine.

What does horse tranquilizer look like?

This depends upon what you mean by "horse tranquilizer". A common sedative used in horses (except stallions) is acepromazine, which is a yellow liquid injected into the vein or muscle.

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What is a drug that will make a horse drowsy?

There are several, all of which require a veterinarian's prescription to acquire. One of the most common is Acepromazine, although it should not be used in stallions due to a potential side effect of the drug.

What are the common venipuncture and inject sites for the horse?

The most common is the jugular vein.

What is the proper dose for human use of Xylazine IM or IV?

Xylazine is not approved for human use. It's dangerous - accidental exposure in humans has resulted in low blood pressure (hypotension). Do not use it for humans. The person could die. That being said, typical commercially available solutions are 100mg/mL I believe. Typical horse dosage is about 4 mL per 100 kg body weight I think (100 kg = 220 lb.)

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What is the main problem with horse tattoos?

pigmentation problem

What is anti snake venom serum?

Basically, they take venom from snakes and inject tiny quantities into horses or sheep, which makes the animal immune. They take small amounts of the horse's blood, remove the blood cells, and inject the rest in order to counter the snake venom.

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I had the same problem ;) CONCLUSION: you can't! Rang them and the only horse is your first :? weird.... sorry!