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Q: What is the relationship between population a competition and predation?
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How do interactions between organisms influence populations size?

Predators can affect population size through increased or decreased predation events. Direct and indirect competition between members of the same species can limit population size.

Explain competition and predation as ways in which organisms interact.?

Competition is when Organisms of the same or different species compete for resources, it negatively affects both organisms. Predation is the relationship between two species as the predator feeds on the prey while the prey adapts.

Is predation similar to competition?

No. Competition is a fight for survival between two organisms for food. Predation is the process of a predator hunting then eating prey.

What are the types of interaction among organisms?

Competition (the competition between organisms for a limited amount of resources), predation (where one thing kills and eats another), and symbiosis (a close relationship between two organisms where one is benefited.

Which describes the relationship between elements of an ecosystem?

Predation,Mutualism,Competition,Commensalism, Parasitism and Saprophytism

What is the relationship between the predator and its prey?

it is called predation

What is the relationship between its predator and the prey?

it is called predation

What is the relationship of competition?

Competition is another relationship that exists between organisms

What is a relationship between predator and prey?

a predator eats a prey.

What is the icological relationship?

I'm assuming you mean ecological relationship.An ecological relationship is the relationship between organisms in an ecosystem. There are six ecological relationships in which two are oppositional and four are symbiotic. The oppositional relationships are predation and competition. The symbiotic relationships are mutualism, commensalism, amensalism, and parasitism.

What is the relationship between lion and deer?

the relationship between lions and deer is that lions eat deer, and deer do not eat lions!

What is the relationship between sheep's and rabbits?

the relationship between sheep and bunnies is competition.