

What is the route of the word renege?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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-neg-, -ne- means "no, not, deny". Negative.

renege v. (ML. renegare, to deny back [or against]) To deny; to go back on.

abnegate v. (ab-, from + L. negare, to deny + -ate, make) To deny and reject; to renounce or surrender a right or privilege; to abjure; repudiate.

abnegation n. (abnegate- + -ation, C, A, R, S) Renunciation; a repudiation; a denial.

necessary adj. (L. necessarius, unavoidable, indispensable, needful. ne-, not + -esse-, to be + -ary, related to, like) Being indispensable; requisite; needful; essential.

necessitate v. (L. necessitas, necessity + -ate, make) To make necessary or indispensable.

necessity n. ( L. necessitas, unavoidableness, fate, destiny, doom. ne-, not + -esse, to be + -ity, Ch, C, S) Absolutly requisite; an absolute need; idispensable

nefarious adj. (L. nefarius, from nefas, a crime, wrong from ne-,not + -fas-, lawful [related to -fari-, to speak] + -arious, related to, connect with) Wicked in the extreme; abominable; iniquitous; atrociously sinful; detestably vile; execrable. negate v. (-neg-, deny + -ate, make) To deny the existence or truth of; contradiction.

negation n. (negate- + -ion, S, P, R, A) The act of denying; declaration that something is not, or has not been or will not be. Opposed to affirmation.

neglectful adj. (-neg-, not + -lect-, gather + -ful, Ch, F) Heedless; careless; inattentive; negligent.

negligee n. (Fr. from L. negligere, to neglect. -neg-, not + -lig- gather + -ee, RA) A kind of loose unceremonious gown formerly worn by women. An easy, unceremonious attire; undress.

negligence n. (-neg-, not + -lig-, gather + -ence, S, Qu, A, R) Lack of due diligence or care; omission of duty; habitual neglect; heedlessness.

negligent adj. (neg-, not + -lig-, gather + -ent, OW) Customarily neglectful; careless; heedless; culpably careless; showing lack of attention.

negligible adj. (L. negligere, to neglect. -neg-, not + -lig-, gather +-ible, capable of) That which may be neglected; disregarded; unimportant; trifling.

negotiate v. (L. negotiatus, to carry on business from neg-, not + otium, leisure + -able, able, Qu, T) To bargain or trade with another respecting purchase and sale or some business affair.

neuter adj. (L. neuter, neither; ne, -not + uter, one of two) Neither masculine or feminine; having no generative organs; sexless.

neutral adj. (L. neuter + -al, related to, belongs to, O, P, A, L) Not taking part with any one of certain contending parties; neuter; indifferent..

nice (GRE) adj. (L. nescire, ignorant, no knowing from ne-, not + scire, to know) Precise, accurate; correct; particular; punctilious; dainty.

renegade n. (Sp. renegado, from LL. renegatus, one who denies his religion from L. re-,back + negare, to deny) One who deserts to an enemy. An apostate to his faith, specifically the Christian faith; recreant; turncoat.

unnecessary adj. (un-, not + necessary) Needless.

(denegation, negative, negativism, negator, negatory, negotiate (deny leisure), neither, nescient, never)

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