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well every day i get called names pushed around and worse of all i get yelled at by people the say there my friends so to me there not really my friend if they yell at me but im to afraid to tell them to stop because i dont want the to hurt me

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In my school, there are many events that happen dealing with bullying. One of my biggest problems was about the hockey team I like. People were saying swears and really mean things about it to me.......even my close friends. I guess its normal for this happen because everyone has opinions but it's not normal when you hear it everyday and get teased by it every time. I tried telling my teacher, the guidance counselor, and my parents. Nothing has happened and rivals in hockey will always be. But I have learned how to be more confident and to look more into the future.

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Check Childline and Anit-Bullying websites or you can ask people who have been bullied and know how it feels and how they solved it

What story is on this website about bullying?

This is a question and answer website. We don't have stories. You might be interested in browsing through the Bullying category to see what sorts of questions are there, however.

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No the story was made up by 3 teenage girls on myspace. They wrote it as a ghost story and the danger of bullying.

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The three types of bullying are physical bullying, verbal bullying and cyber bullying.

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The author's tone in "The Bully" by Paul Langan is serious and empathetic. The story addresses the issue of bullying in a sensitive and realistic manner, highlighting the emotional impact on both the victim and the bully. Langston, the protagonist, struggles with bullying and the consequences that come with it, conveying a message of understanding and resilience.

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