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AnswerBritish women who were in the World War 2 hed to do men's jobs including rat catching as well as their own. AnswerWomen made arms and munitions, worked as nurses, grew food. AnswerBritish women,like everyone else in the country had to join the armed forces or were directed by the government to do work towards the war effort, such as helping on farms, in forests or making weapons or shells and bullets.

Women under 30 were conscripted and married women had to have young children to escape having to serve.

In return for their work special daycare entres were provided for the children and welfare refroms meant that workers had more rights than before the war. Another way to look at this question would be to ask why Germany failed to fully involve the women of their state.

The German war economy was badly organised and did not use all its available resources. Women and people with Nazi party connections did not have to do much work. Germany used slave labour in factories and oddly enough they were not very keen to produce high quality weapons for their oppressors.aal was they loved there husbands and shaged them allot

AnswerSome of the jobs that women did during WW2 was munitions, grew food, machinists, lumberjacks, dockers, railway engineers, nurses and many more/ AnswerThey worked in munition factories to help supply the armies. they also took over jobs considered manley (such as Auxiliary training services. AnswerThey joined the armed forces. AnswerDuring World War Two the Britsh women were recruited to help towards the war effort. The nation had a common goal and everyone pulled together to survive.

Women went to work in munitions factories creating the ammunition the soldiers in the front line needed desperately. They took up traditonal "men's work" such as driving buses & trains, driving cabs, and many were even conscripted into the army.

For many women it was the first time they had been in employment and the first time they had earned their own salary.

Although frowned upon, women started to go out more on their own. Their husbands were fighting in the war and they began to go to the cinema, etc.

By the time the British men returned from war the British women had a new found independance. They no longer were reliant on their "men" and many were reluctant to leave their jobs in order to allow the men to return.

These changes were a big step towards womens rights and from thsi we have seen great results. Women started to wear trousers and boots instead of skirts and heels as theses were not suitable for the work they had to do.

As a society we never give those women the thanks they deserved. How many of us wear trousers as the "norm". Perhaps if the war hadn't occurred we would still be a majority of housewifes, whose only purpose was to reproduce.

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They were planting, farming in farms and some were working in factories to make equipment for the war

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Q: What jobs did women in Britain do in World War 2?
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What was the role of women in Britain during the world war 2?

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Women that were in World War 2 did not fight in the war. The women did many of the other types of jobs such as being nurses and driving vehicles.

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Women in Britain worked in factories and farms in the war.

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jobs in heavy industry

What jobs did women find during world war 2 that were break from traditional women roles?

jobs in heavy industry

Why did women do jobs during World War 1 and World War 2?

the men werent there at the time

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Women were mostly employed in health services, entertainment, and food services. A lot of the women served as nurses and medics for wounded soldiers and civilians.

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Because millions of the men who normally did those jobs were in the Army and Navy.