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Very much the same as any immigrant wishing to obtain permanent resident or citizenship status. Please visit the United States Citizenship And Immigration Services website for information pertaining to personal circumstances.

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Q: What options are there for illegal immigrants in the USA especially those that have been in the states for more than 10 years and pay taxes to become legal?
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Immigrants are these until they become naturalized citizens?

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Can illegal immigrants become president if they have usis?

No. Only people who were born in the US can become president.

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Why have state and local government become more active in regulating illegal immigrants during the recent years.

What law provided a way for illegal immigrants to become permanent resident?

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

Do illegal immigrants parents have to be naturalized before their children become citizens?

Children can be citizens on their own. For example- illegal alien gives birth in the U.S., the illegal mother is still illegal but the child would be a U.S. citizen.

Is there a statute of limitation for illegal immigrants?

No there is not a statute of limitation for immigrants. If they are in the country illegally, they can be arrested and deported at any time. Someone can't sneak into the country and hide in order to become legal.

Can a US citizen help an illegal Mexican become legal?

If you are talking about an specific number of illegal immigrants you know personally, Well there is not much you can do. You have to be a company/corporatio n to sponsor unknown illegals. It is also almost impossible to get employment visas for uneducated, unskilled immigrants.

What accounts for most of the population growth of Europe?

Europe has become the new home for many millions of immigrants, legal and illegal, from other parts of the world. A substantial part of the population growth is from these immigrants and their offspring.

Did JFK ever give amnesty to illegal immigrants?

Yes, President John F. Kennedy did sign the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act in 1962, which provided for the admission of refugees and set a precedent for offering temporary protection to certain groups of immigrants. However, this was not a blanket amnesty for all illegal immigrants in the country.

What does Ted Cruz mean when he uses the word 'amnesty'?

The term "amnesty" in US politics, and presumably when 2016 Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz uses it, typically refers to the idea of giving the Illegal Immigrants in the United States some sort of pardon for the crime of illegal border crossing. It can be as minimal as ceasing the deportation proceedings of Illegal Immigrants, but is usually a reference to a "Path to Citizenship", where the Illegal Immigrants will be able to apply to become US citizens under certain conditions set out by law.

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What is your view on illegals deportation then reform or amnesty?

The issue of illegal immigration is a sensitive one. Many citizens of a nation feel that deportation is appropriate for illegal immigrants, as it is both mandated by law and viewed as a personal right of the nation to permit only those who pass qualifications to become naturalized. Amnesty is generally frowned on by citizens, as they view it as capitulation or giving the illegal immigrants a free ride to citizenship status. Additional problems occur as illegal immigrants do not pay taxes but use the social programs those taxes are designed to pay for. This can result in exacerbating economic problems.