

What organs does the placenta give a baby?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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The placenta gives nutrition to the fetus, it does not give organs.

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Q: What organs does the placenta give a baby?
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The baby is connected to the mother through the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is connected to the placenta, and the placenta is connected to the uterus. The placenta and umbilical cord are temporary organs that are expelled when the baby is born.

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The placenta is a organ that is conacted to the umbilical cord, sothat the pacenta can give the baby oxygen and nurients.

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How is the baby?

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The umbilical cord attatches the placenta to the baby's belly.

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The nutrients of the baby is located at the placenta while the umbilical cord links the placenta and the baby.

To which structure does the umbilical cord connect the embryo?

The umbilical cord is attached to the placenta and the placenta is attached to the wall of the uterus

How do you get the placenta out?

The placenta follows the baby, attached by the umbilical cord.

How is the fetus connected to the placenta?

the fetus is the baby and the placenta is how the baby gets nutrients or food while in the womb, there is a tube that connects from the placenta to the fetus bellybutton