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The valves in the veins

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Q: What prevents blood from pooling in the legs of humans and pigs?
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How do you prevent blood pooling in your legs?

Blood will pool in the legs for several reasons. The first can be due to the lack of movement (such as standing still for a long time); the gravity prevents the blood from travelling up to the heart due to the lower pressure system. The second may be due to damaged vein valves. The valves that stop the blood from backflowing can be damaged by excessive pooling of blood from lifestyle factors such as standing and crossing your legs. This excessive pooling can cause the surface veins in your legs to bulge with blood and cause varicose veins. The last reason may be due to genetic reasons for weaker walls of the veins.

The cool-down part of a workout serves to gradually slow the heart rate and helps prevent what problem?

Pooling Of The Blood In Your Legs And Feet

What are the valves in the veins called?

To prevent back flow of blood as the blood pressure in veins is greatly decreased compared to artieries

What prevents abnormal clotting within blood vessels?

There are many things people can do to prevent blood from clotting inside the blood vessels. One of those is making sure you don't sit/laydown very long. For example, when you take a plane ride, it is smart to get up and move around because having your legs down for so long makes your blood slow down (blood pooling) and it makes it easier for clotting to accur.

What is postural hypo-tension?

When people with this condition move from a lying position to a standing or sitting position, the sudden pooling of blood in the legs may cause a temporary decrease in blood circulation to the brain, causing a faint.

CArdiac output may drop when one goes from lying to standing position because of?

Venous pooling results in a decrease in cardiac output when a person goes from a lying to standing position. Venous pooling occurs when there is a buildup of blood in the veins of the legs that results due to gravitational pull when changing positions.

When blood travels from your legs to your heart why doesn't it fall down?

When travelling from legs to heart, blood travels in veins. These veins have a special structure which is adapted for this type of transport. They have valves or pocket-like flaps which prevents blood from flowing backwards or in other words, falling down.

What are sequential compression stockings for?

Sequential compression stockings prevent thromboembolisms, or in plain english, blood clots. They send the blood back up to the heart to prevent it from pooling in the feet and legs. They are used a lot with post-operative patients and those that are paralyzed or immobile.

Do humans have two legs?

Yes humans have 2 legs.

Why are legs important to humans?

Legs are important to humans because humans need to walk and legs enable them to walk. Without legs, humans would not be able to walk and therefore would be bad at being humans.

Why would you feel unbalanced if you were to stand still for a long period of time?

When you stand still for a long period of time, due to the pull of gravity the blood will start pooling in the large veins of your legs. This is because veins are passive vessels and in order to send blood back towards the heart they are facilitated by the action of leg muscles whenever you walk or move your legs. Muscle movement will be minimum when standing still so blood will start pooling in the leg veins. As a result the blood supply to your brain will be reduced and less oxygen will be supplied than is required for clear functioning. That is why you feel unbalanced if you stand still for a long time.

How dangerous is blood pooling in the legs?

pain will generate from your knee upwards and can cause nausea, headaches