

What remedies is lemon good for?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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12y ago

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According to the web, lemons are good for whitening teeth and improving brightness of skin (i..e, whitening/lightening your complextio). But I read somewhere that lemons cause damage to your teeth due to the acid.

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Q: What remedies is lemon good for?
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How do you stop having acne natural remedies house remedies no creams just simple house remedies stuff I can find easily on the super market or Walmart or in my house remember all natural no lies ok?

There are a few natural remedies or home remedies which involve simple household ingredients that can be used in stopping and treating acne. One can easily find the ingredients for these remedies in the Supermarket or Walmart or in their own homes. Some all natural remedies include using toothpaste on areas of acne infected skin or using a sliced potato on the skin. Using a sliced lemon on the skin is also another good home remedy for acne.

Is lemon harmful for health?

No, lemon is good for you.