

Best Answer

There are at least 10,366 English words that start with the letter A.

7-letter words

aarrghh, abalone, abandon, abasers, abashed, abashes, abasias, abasing, abaters, abating, abators, abattis, abaxial, abaxile, abbotcy, abdomen, abduced, abduces, abducts, abelian, abettal, abetted, abetter, abettor, abeyant, abfarad, abhenry, abiders, abiding, abigail, ability, abioses, abiosis, abiotic, abjured, abjurer, abjures, ablated, ablates, ablauts, ablings, abluent, abluted, aboding, abolish, abollae, abomasa, abomasi, aborted, aborter, abought, aboulia, aboulic, abounds, abraded, abrader, abrades, abreact, abreast, abridge, abroach, abrosia, abscess, abscise, abscond, abseils, absence, absents, absinth, absolve, absorbs, abstain, absurds, abubble, abulias, abusers, abusing, abusive, abuttal, abutted, abutter, abvolts, abwatts, abysmal, abyssal, abysses, acacias, academe, academy, acajous, acaleph, acanthi, acapnia, acarids, acarine, acaroid, acaudal, acceded, acceder, accedes, accents, accepts, accidia, accidie, acclaim, accords, accosts, account, accrete, accrual, accrued, accrues, accurst, accusal, accused, accuser, accuses, acedias, acequia, acerate, acerber, acerbic, acerola, acerose, acerous, acetals, acetate, acetify, acetins, acetone, acetose, acetous, acetyls, achenes, achiest, achieve, achiote, acholia, acicula, acidify, acidity, aciform, acinose, acinous, aclinic, acmatic, acnodes, acolyte, aconite, acquest, acquire, acquits, acrasia, acrasin, acreage, acrider, acridly, acrobat, acrogen, acromia, acronic, acronym, acrotic, acrylic, actable, actinal, actings, actinia, actinic, actinon, actions, actives, actress, actuary, actuate, aculeus, acumens, acutely, acutest, acyclic, acylate, acyloin, adagial, adagios, adamant, adapted, adapter, adaptor, adaxial, addable, addaxes, addedly, addenda, addends, addible, addicts, addling, address, addrest, adduced, adducer, adduces, adducts, adeemed, adenine, adenoid, adenoma, adenyls, adepter, adeptly, adhered, adherer, adheres, adhibit, adipose, adipous, adjoins, adjoint, adjourn, adjudge, adjunct, adjured, adjurer, adjures, adjuror, adjusts, admiral, admired, admirer, admires, admixed, admixes, adnexal, adnouns, adopted, adoptee, adopter, adorers, adoring, adorned, adorner, adrenal, adsorbs, adulate, adultly, advance, advects, advents, adverbs, adverse, adverts, advices, advised, advisee, adviser, advises, advisor, aecidia, aediles, aegises, aeneous, aeolian, aeonian, aerated, aerates, aerator, aerials, aeriest, aerobes, aerobia, aerobic, aerogel, aerosat, aerosol, aerugos, aethers, afeared, affable, affably, affaire, affairs, affects, affiant, affiche, affinal, affined, affines, affirms, affixal, affixed, affixer, affixes, afflict, affords, affrays, affront, afghani, afghans, afreets, aftmost, aftosas, against, agamete, agamous, agapeic, agarics, agarose, agatize, agatoid, ageings, ageisms, ageists, ageless, agelong, agendas, agendum, agenize, agentry, aggadic, aggrade, aggress, agilely, agility, aginner, agisted, agitate, agitato, aglycon, agnails, agnates, agnatic, agnized, agnizes, agnomen, agnosia, agonies, agonise, agonist, agonize, agoroth, agoutis, agrafes, agraffe, agrapha, agravic, aground, ahimsas, aiblins, aidless, aiglets, aigrets, aikidos, aileron, ailment, aimless, ainsell, airboat, aircrew, airdate, airdrop, airfare, airflow, airfoil, airglow, airhead, airiest, airings, airless, airlift, airlike, airline, airmail, airpark, airplay, airport, airpost, airshed, airship, airsick, airthed, airtime, airting, airward, airwave, airways, airwise, aitches, ajowans, akvavit, alameda, alamode, alanine, alanins, alanyls, alarmed, alarums, alaskas, alastor, alation, albatas, albedos, albinal, albinic, albinos, albites, albitic, albizia, albumen, albumin, alcades, alcaics, alcaide, alcalde, alcayde, alcazar, alchemy, alchymy, alcohol, alcoved, alcoves, aldoses, aldrins, alegars, alembic, alencon, alerted, alerter, alertly, aleuron, alevins, alewife, alexias, alexine, alexins, alfakis, alfalfa, alfaqui, alforja, algebra, aliases, alibied, alibies, alidade, alidads, aliened, alienee, aliener, alienly, alienor, aliform, alights, aligned, aligner, aliment, alimony, aliners, alining, alipeds, aliquot, aliunde, aliyahs, alkalic, alkalin, alkalis, alkanes, alkanet, alkenes, alkines, alkylic, alkynes, allayed, allayer, alleged, alleger, alleges, allegro, alleles, allelic, allergy, allheal, allicin, alliums, allobar, allodia, allonge, allonym, allover, allowed, alloxan, alloyed, allseed, alluded, alludes, allured, allurer, allures, alluvia, allying, allylic, almanac, almemar, almners, almonds, almoner, almonry, almsman, almsmen, almuces, almudes, alodial, alodium, aloetic, aloofly, alpacas, alphorn, alphyls, alpines, already, alright, alsikes, altered, alterer, althaea, altheas, althorn, altoist, aludels, alumina, alumine, alumins, alumnae, alumnus, alunite, alveoli, alyssum, amadous, amalgam, amanita, amassed, amasser, amasses, amateur, amative, amatols, amatory, amazing, amazons, ambages, ambaris, ambeers, ambient, amblers, ambling, amboina, ambones, amboyna, ambries, ambroid, ambsace, amebean, ameboid, amended, amender, amenity, amentia, amerced, amercer, amerces, amesace, amiable, amiably, amidase, amidine, amidins, amidols, amidone, aminity, amirate, amities, ammeter, ammines, ammonal, ammonia, ammonic, amnesia, amnesic, amnesty, amnions, amniote, amoebae, amoeban, amoebas, amoebic, amongst, amorini, amorino, amorist, amoroso, amorous, amotion, amounts, amperes, amphora, amplest, amplify, ampoule, ampules, ampulla, amputee, amreeta, amritas, amtrack, amtracs, amulets, amusers, amusias, amusing, amusive, amylase, amylene, amyloid, amylose, amylums, anadems, anaemia, anaemic, anagoge, anagogy, anagram, analgia, anality, analogs, analogy, analyse, analyst, analyze, anankes, anapest, anarchs, anarchy, anatase, anatomy, anattos, anchors, anchovy, anchusa, ancient, ancilla, anconal, ancones, ancress, andante, andiron, android, aneared, aneling, anemias, anemone, anergia, anergic, aneroid, anestri, anethol, aneurin, angakok, angaria, angeled, angelic, angelus, angered, angerly, anginal, anginas, angioma, anglers, anglice, angling, angoras, angrier, angrily, anguine, anguish, angular, anhinga, aniline, anilins, anility, animals, animate, animato, animism, animist, anionic, aniseed, anisole, anklets, ankling, ankuses, anlaces, anlagen, anlages, anlases, annates, annatto, anneals, annelid, annexed, annexes, annoyed, annoyer, annuals, annuity, annular, annulet, annulus, anodize, anodyne, anoints, anolyte, anomaly, anomies, anonyms, anopias, anopsia, anoraks, anorexy, anosmia, anosmic, another, anoxias, ansated, answers, antacid, antefix, anteing, antenna, anthems, anthers, anthill, anthoid, anthrax, antiars, antibug, anticar, anticks, anticly, antifat, antigay, antigen, antigun, antijam, antilog, antiman, antings, antipot, antique, antired, antisag, antisex, antitax, antiwar, antlers, antlike, antlion, antonym, antrums, antsier, anurans, anurias, anurous, anviled, anxiety, anxious, anybody, anymore, anytime, anyways, anywise, aorists, aoudads, apaches, apagoge, apanage, aparejo, apatite, apelike, apercus, aperies, apetaly, aphagia, aphasia, aphasic, aphelia, apheses, aphesis, aphetic, aphides, aphonia, aphonic, aphotic, aphthae, aphylly, apicals, apiculi, apishly, aplasia, aplenty, aplites, aplitic, aplombs, apnoeal, apnoeas, apnoeic, apocarp, apocope, apodous, apogamy, apogeal, apogean, apogees, apogeic, apollos, apologs, apology, apolune, apomict, apostil, apostle, apothem, appalls, apparat, apparel, appeals, appears, appease, appends, applaud, applied, applier, applies, appoint, apposed, apposer, apposes, apprise, apprize, approve, appulse, apraxia, apraxic, apricot, aproned, apropos, apsidal, apsides, apteral, apteria, apteryx, aptness, apyrase, aquaria, aquatic, aquavit, aqueous, aquifer, aquiver, arabesk, arabize, arables, aramids, araneid, araroba, arbiter, arbored, arbores, arbours, arbutes, arbutus, arcaded, arcades, arcadia, arcanum, archaic, archers, Archery, archils, archine, arching, archive, archons, archway, arcking, arcsine, arctics, arcuate, arcuses, ardency, ardours, arduous, areally, areaway, arenite, arenose, arenous, areolae, areolar, areolas, areoles, argalas, argalis, argents, argling, argotic, arguers, arguing, arguses, argyles, argylls, aridest, aridity, arietta, ariette, ariosos, arising, aristae, aristas, aristos, arkoses, armadas, armband, armfuls, armhole, armiger, armilla, armings, armless, armlets, armlike, armload, armlock, armoire, armored, armorer, armours, armoury, armpits, armrest, armsful, armures, arnatto, arnicas, arnotto, aroints, arousal, aroused, arouser, arouses, aroynts, arpents, arracks, arraign, arrange, arrased, arrayal, arrayed, arrayer, arrears, arrests, arrises, arrival, arrived, arriver, arrives, arrobas, arrowed, arroyos, arsenal, arsenic, arshins, arsines, article, artiest, artisan, artiste, artists, artless, artsier, artwork, arugola, arugula, aruspex, asarums, ascarid, ascaris, ascends, ascents, asceses, ascesis, ascetic, ascidia, ascites, ascitic, ascribe, asepses, asepsis, aseptic, asexual, ashamed, ashcans, ashiest, ashlars, ashlers, ashless, ashrams, ashtray, asinine, askance, askeses, askesis, askings, asocial, aspects, asperse, asphalt, asphyxy, aspired, aspirer, aspires, aspirin, aspises, asquint, asramas, assagai, assails, assault, assayed, assayer, assegai, assents, asserts, assigns, assists, assizes, asslike, assoils, assorts, assuage, assumed, assumer, assumes, assured, assurer, assures, assuror, asswage, astasia, astatic, asteria, astheny, asthmas, astound, astrals, astrict, astride, astylar, asunder, asylums, atabals, ataghan, atalaya, atamans, ataraxy, atavism, atavist, ataxias, ataxics, ataxies, atelier, Atheism, atheist, athirst, athlete, athodyd, athwart, atingle, atlases, atlatls, atomics, atomies, atomise, atomism, atomist, atomize, atoners, atonics, atonies, atoning, atopies, atresia, atriums, atrophy, atropin, attache, attacks, attains, attaint, attempt, attends, attests, attired, attires, attorns, attract, attrite, attuned, attunes, aubades, auberge, auburns, auction, aucubas, audible, audibly, audient, audiles, audings, audited, auditor, augends, augites, augitic, augment, augural, augured, augurer, auklets, auldest, aunties, aurally, aurated, aureate, aureola, aureole, auricle, aurists, aurochs, aurorae, auroral, auroras, ausform, auspice, austere, austral, ausubos, autarky, auteurs, authors, autisms, autobus, autoing, automan, automen, autopsy, autumns, auxeses, auxesis, auxetic, auxinic, availed, avarice, avatars, avellan, avenged, avenger, avenges, avenses, avenues, average, averred, averted, avgases, aviated, aviates, aviator, avidins, avidity, avionic, avocado, avocets, avodire, avoided, avoider, avosets, avowals, avowers, avowing, avulsed, avulses, awaited, awaiter, awakens, awaking, awarded, awardee, awarder, aweless, awesome, awfully, awkward, awlwort, awnings, awnless, axially, axillae, axillar, axillas, axolotl, axoneme, axseeds, azaleas, azimuth, azotise, azotize, azurite, azygous

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