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All you need to do is confront him the next day and address the issue. Speak in a calm voice and ask him why he did this. If he says that your not treating him as he should be, and the other girl does. Then you need to respect that. Cheating might be wrong, but if he had a reason other than a stupid one then you're probably the reason he's doing it.

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11y ago

The only way you will ever know for sure if your boyfriend is cheating on you is if you catch him in the act or if he tells you straight up. I would really think about if this is the kind of relationship you want to be in and if not, get out of it. Nobody deserves to be treated like that,one of my best friend give this website

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12y ago


The only thing you can do is make sure that you have some evidence that can back your story, and if you have this all you can do is talk to him and tell him to tell you the truth. If you think you can move on with him after his cheating, this will be your own decision. Make sure that you are ready to face all the negative things he will tell you

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14y ago

Get the hell outta there.

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