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It was not "instead of", he was doing both.

It is just that Japan surrendered in August 1945 after the second atomic bomb (of 23 planned atomic bombs before the end of 1945) instead of waiting for the invasion to begin in November 1945. It took time to set up the men, weapons, and supplies for the two planned invasions (November 1945 and spring 1946) while the atomic bombs were ready to use starting on August 6, 1945.

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Q: What was Truman's main reason for dropping the atomic bomb instead of invading Japan?
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What was Harry Trumans intent on dropping the atomic bomb?

end WW2

What did president Truman do instead of invading why?

He authorized the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Why? Because japan had refused o surrender, and it was believed that a conventional invasion of the Japanese mainland would result in the deaths of over 1 million Allied service members.

What were the alternatives to dropping the atomic bomb?

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What was trumans goal in deciding to drop the atomic bomb on japan?

to end the war

What did President Truman do instead of invading Japan and why?

Dropped the Atomic bomb because it saved time, money and American lives

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Most think he was not wrong about dropping the atomic bombs.

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Vice President of the United States.

Who approved the dropping of an atomic bomb on japan?

Harry s. truman approved the dropping of an atomic bomb on japan.

What was President Trumans main argument for using the Atomis bomb against the Japanese?

Atomic not Atomis!

When was the atomic bomb battle over?

Two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan, because Japan would not surrender, and dropping atomic bombs was considered better than invading the country. After the bombs were dropped, the war ended, and the world has had to deal with the threat of nuclear war since 1945.

Why was the dropping of the atomic bombs in japan important?

To end the war quickly so the U.S. did not have to invade Japan with a huge amount of Infantry soldiers and to spare the lives of very many invading U.S. soldiers.

When was Harry Trumans decision to use the atomic bomb?

The same day they were ready Truman had the decision. The people were ok with it.