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The plan was to move the war to the southern colones.

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Q: What was the British plan after the loss at Saratoga New York?
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What effect did the Battle of Saratoga have on the British plan for taking New York?

it revived the colonies, and helped to get foreign aid from France

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What was americas plan to fight the revolution?

George Washington rushed to New York to set up defenses, anticipating the British plan for invading New York City.

What british millitary plan did the colonial victory at saratoga ruin?

the plan that Burgoyne would come south and have back up coming east from the lake and Howe would come north it was ruined because the back up were delayed and Howe ignored the plan and went to Philadelphia and Burgoyne underestimated the colonies power by attacking when his men were exhausted of clearing the way.

What colony did the british plan to capture in order to isolate new England?

New york!

Where The British plan to conquer New York called for three armies to converge?

It was at "Albany". Albany is the capital of New York, so the answer is Alban.

What happened to the British plan to capture New York?

julianna totino said joe Jonas is hot

What role did chance play at the battle of saratoga?

Chance played a significant role at the Battle of Saratoga. British General John Burgoyne's plan relied on a coordinated attack from three different directions, but due to logistical challenges, the timing and coordination of the attacks were disrupted. This allowed American General Horatio Gates to successfully counter the British forces, resulting in a crucial American victory.

What were the American strategies during the battle of saratoga?

General Burgoyne plan to three column

How did Nathan hale become an American ledgend?

Hale was from Connectict and the son of a minister. He graduated from Yale and volunteered for the Continential army . He became part of a plan to spy on the British, but was caught by them and hung as a spy.

Where did Benedict Arnold plan to surrender?

Benedict Arnold planned to surrender West Point (located in New York) to the British.

The British plan was to take New York by having three armies converge where?

It was at "Albany". Albany is the capital of New York, so the answer is Alban.