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When the war was over in Europe because Germany surrendered, the Allies wanted to end the war quick. However, Japan was still a strong force and occupied many islands surrounding it. The Allies, especially the United States, were losing thousands of men trying to conquer each island. The United States decided to create the atomic bomb to scare the Japan and make them surrender immediately. The U.S. did not want to lose anymore men by conquering small islands.

The atomic bomb was made to end World War 2 quickly and save the lives of millions of Allied soldiers.

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14y ago
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14y ago

i think an atomic bomb is a very big explosion that... well, is very big, it can litterally blow up an entire city... atomic meaning ginormuse... i think...

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11y ago

It was to help the US to destroy Hiroshma and Nagasaki to defeat Japan.

Plus as a deterrent for enemies i mean how want to mess with the person with the big *** bomb

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