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rah was the god of sun i believe

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Q: What was the era of the Egyptian god Rah?
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What is the name of Egyptian's god of the Sun?

The name of the Egyptian's god of the Sun is Ra, also known as Amun-Ra or Akmun-Rah.

Who worships the Egyptian god rah?

Ra is worshipped by modern Kemetic Pagans, individuals practicing Kemeticism, and some followers of the Ancient Egyptian religion reconstructionism. He is considered the sun god and one of the most important deities in the Ancient Egyptian pantheon.

What does 'rah rah ah ah ah ruhma ruhma' mean?

The "hook" lyric from Lady Gaga's 2009 single "Bad Romance" has no literal translation. The full chorus wording is : "Rah rah ah ah ah Roma roma ah Gaga ooh la la Want your bad romance" Rah - An Egyptian sun God Roma - Rome, home of the Vatican Mama - Mother References to the origins of people.

How do you pronounce the Egyptian word irawo?

I would guess EYE-rah-woe. Since you pronounce Isis (EYE-sis) and Ra (RAH).

Who is the famous ancient god of Egypt?

I'm not entirely sure of what you mean by "Ancient Man God." I am asuming you mean Rah. As Rah was the main god as we humans have traced, the Ancient god of the Sun. I'm not strong on gods, but that is all I can share.

Is akmanrah an Egyptian king?

yes Akman Rah was an Egyptian king he also had a brother who was a king

What was the Egyptian god bes the god of?

The Egyptian god Bes was the dwarf god.

Who is the god that is the supreme sun god in egyptian?

The Egyptian sun god is Ra; also called Re. Not only is he the sun god, but he was chief of all the Egyptian gods, so he was their leader.RaThe correct spelling is Re, Aton, or Aton-Re pronounced(Ray)his name was raRa Pronouced as Rah

Who was the Egyptian god zozer?

There is no Egyptian god Zozer.

Who was the Egyptian god of lice?

There was no Egyptian god of lice.

Who was the Egyptian God of wheat?

There is no Egyptian god of wheat, however there is an Egyptian god of grain. The name of this god was 'Neper'. He was sometimes called 'Neper the reaper' because of his association with grain and harvesting.

What Egyptian god had to do with gnats?

That was the Biblical god of Abraham, not a Egyptian god or goddess.