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Germany was a civilian run Dictatorship. Civil liberties for the masses were non existent.

The press and radio were censored and otherwise controlled. Free speech was not allowed. Of course, Jews (and Jehova's witnesses) were not allowed to practice their religion, although otherwise, religious freedom was allowed. Freedom from random searches, freedom of assembly, and other American civil liberties were also denied.

This said, compared to the Soviet Union, Germany was a model of civil liberties. At least the rule of law applied to most citizens in Germany. There were honest trials for criminal matters. Private property was in the vast majority of cases, protected.

In the USSR even these few rights were stripped from society. All property right down to the smallest garden plot was state owned. Every cow, every auto, every apartment - all state owned. Religion was suppressed with churches bulldozed, priests arrested and services broken up. Persons were arrested and sent to work camps for no reason other than to terrorize those left behind. The brutality of the Soviet military is well known and does not need repeating here.

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1. The Communists in Germany were the first target when the Nazis came to power in 1933. The Party was banned, and many Communist Party officials and elected representatives were rounded up, savagely beaten in temporary concentration camps run by the Stormtroopers (SA), and from 22 March 1933 on were sent to 'regular' concentration camps. Many were killed. 2. When the Germans invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, they murdered Communists on a vast scale. 3. Soviet prisoners of war were treated abominably by the Nazis. 4. A key theme of Nazi antisemitism - some would say the leading motive - was the claim that Communism was "Jewish". Again and again, the Nazis stressed that Marx and Trotsky were of Jewish heritage.

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Germany's socialist Social-Democrat Party (SPD, for short) was one of the first parties, along with the Communist Party, to be disbanded by the Nazis upon their seizure of power in early 1933. Its leaders were imprisoned, killed, or had to flee to other countries. Socialists and Communists were ruthlessly hunted down and eliminated during the 12 years of Nazi rule in Germany.

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Germany invaded Poland and Russia wanted to share.

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The Nazi party led by Adolf Hitler ruled Nazi Germany. That is why it is called "Nazi" Germany.

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He was the leader of Nazi Germany .

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The effect that the Gestapo had on the outcome of World War 2 was fear of the police force in Germany. The Gestapo had power to hunt out those that were considered a threat to Nazi Germany that included Jehovah Witness, Jews and Communists or anyone else that challenged the Nazi Party.

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Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party in Germany.

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