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The first plague was that God told Moses to raise his staff and bang it on the ground near the Nile. This turned all the water in the Nile to blood.

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14y ago

The first plague faced by the Egyptians is that water turned to blood.

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12y ago

The first plaque in Egypt was the turning of water into blood.

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11y ago

When Moses turned the nile and all the water to blood with his staff

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14y ago

A river of Blood.

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Q: What was the first plague to hit the Egyptians at Passover?
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The black plague first started in Constantinople in the 6th century. It didn't appear again until the 14th century in Europe. In the 1890s, small outbreaks hit India.

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Yes, the Bubonic plague whad hit an epidemic before 1564 and was winding down by 1616.

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The black plague first started in Constantinople in the 6th century. It didn't appear again until the 14th century in Europe. In the 1890s, small outbreaks hit India.

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Probably 25 million people (about one-third of all people of Europe) died form the plague. Western Europe was the first to get hit by the plague. Italian trading ships returning from ports on the Black Sea brought back one of the most devaststing disease epidemics in history.

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The Bubonic Plague, which gave birth to the Black Death.