

What were some Chinese medicines?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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9y ago

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Chinese medicine is an umbrella term for a broad range of medicine practices sharing common concepts developed over 2,000 years. TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine can include Herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, exercise and dietary therapy.

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Q: What were some Chinese medicines?
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Is it safe to take antibiotics and Chinese herbs together?

Some ingredients used in Chinese herbal or traditional medicine are definitely not safe. For example galena (lead), cinnabar (mercury) and strychnine (rat poison) are ingredients sometimes used and are toxic to humans. Other ingredients may be safe as long as they are not contaminated or incorrectly substituted. Generally, Chinese herbal medicines are not subject to the same quality control standards as other medicines or even normal food. There is not enough evidence from properly conducted tests or trials to say that Chinese herbal medicines are effective or even safe, however large number of people use these medicines without any serious problems. Some ingredients such as ginseng are very widely believed to have health benefits and large sums of money are paid for some roots, however there is no reliable evidence that it has any more health benefits than eating an apple. Even if Chinese herbal medicines are harmless, there are some serious health risks from relying on them. 1. Some people with serious health problems such as cancer, rely on Chinese medicines and delay being seen by a properly qualified doctor. Because of the delay, their disease advances so far that it can't be effectively treated. 2. Some people being treated for a health problem by a doctor are prescribed medicines but they use Chinese medicines as well and don't tell the doctor. These can interfere with the medicines prescribed by the doctor and cause serious problems. 3. A woman was being treated for cancer by western medicine. She was also taking Chinese medicines which did not cause any problem. Her cancer went into remission. She believed that her cancer disappeared because of the Chinese medicines, not the western medicine. When a two years later, her cancer came back, she decided that she would only use Chinese medicine. A few months later she died.

Why are rhinoceroses endangered?

The main reason is because of illegal Poaching.Poachers killed them for the horn, used in quack Chinese medicines.

Why do the Chinese use parts of tigers for medicines?

Because they think it works.

Why are Siberian tiger organs used in medicines?

Traditional Chinese medicine

How were Chinese medicines created?

An over expense of human beings, a bloodlust and and experimentation...

What did the Chinese use tiger parts for?

natural medicines, rare knic-knaks

How do people endanger seahorses?

They are captured and dried out and are used in traditional Chinese medicines. :(

Are Chinese medicines made from Bengal tiger bones?

yes thay are, pocher kill and skin the bengal tiger just for their bones to make traditional asian medicines.

What is the name of a Chinese herbal medicine for a cold?

There are many Chinese herbal medicines for a cold. The name of a Chinese herbal medicine that could potentially be used for a cold is called Coptis Rhizome.

What are the reasons of tiger becomming endanger?

Habitat loss, and poaching for outdated Traditional Chinese Medicines.

Are rhinos used for medicine?

Yes it is used in traditional medicines(chinese,tibetian etc) as aphrodisiac.