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On December 7,1941 the Japanese bombed pearl harbor. And sunk the USS Arizona. So now there is a memorial built right on top of the sunken ship.

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Q: What were some historical events about pearl harbor?
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Is Attack on Pearl Harbor a historical fiction?

The December 7, 1941 attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor and other US military installations & ships at Hawaii is real, and was the primary cause for the US entry into World War Two.Attack on Pearl Harbor is the 2001 non-fictional book by author Shelley Tanaka, is a compilation of stories by survivors.The 2001 movie Pearl Harbor is based on the actual historical event, however the movie's main characters are fictional people loosely based on some or various real people.

What are some of the battleships that bombed Pearl Harbor?

The attack on Pearl Harbor was done by aircraft only.

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There are many historical holidays that were based off of historical events in November. The holidays are Pearl Harbor Day, Veterans Day, World Diabetes Day, Thanksgiving, American Indian Heritage Month, Good Nutrition Month, Aviation Month, American Diabetes Awareness Month, National Stamp Collecting Month, and National Peanut Butter Lover's Month.

Is there mail on pearl harbor DAy?

Yes mail does run on Perl Harbor Day also known as (National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day). December 7 2020 in United States. Pearl Harbor Day is not a federal holiday – government offices, schools, and businesses do not close. Some organizations may hold special events in memory of those killed or injured at Pearl Harbor.

In World War 2 what happened on December 7 1941?

The bombing of Pearl Harbor happened on this day. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

What are some other events that happened when Pearl Harbor was going on?

The Phillipenes, Guam, Midway, Wake Island, Malaya, Thailand and Shanghai were also attacked.

Who are some people and events that had great influence on Japan after the Pearl Harbor attack?

Admiral Nimitz, General MacArthur, President FDR, and Admiral Ernest King.

What are some battlefields and memorials in Hawaii?

Pearl Harbor