

What will the sun do as it dies?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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Our sun does not have enough mass to transform it into a black hole or to explode as a supernova as it dies. Instead, when it runs out of hydrogen to convert into helium, it will expand as a red giant beyond the orbit of the earth.

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When the Sun dies - that's it. There will be no rebirth.

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We die.

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Normally it is Dies Solis. Dies (Latin for days), Solis (Latin for Sun) - hence Sunday. So the Sun.

Do the sun dies?

yes,the sun does die it gets old then it will die

Will we stop having summer when the sun dies?

Yes, long before the Sun dies we will all have passed away and there will be no more life on Earth.

Can the sun leave a black hole when it dies?

No. It is not nearly massive enough. When the sun dies it will leave behind a remnant called a white dwarf.

What happens when sun dies out?

The earth will be dead way before the sun is dead, but if the sun dies, everything in the solar system is goning to be melted because of the explosion. But if the planets are not melted, they will be frozen for ever because there is no sun.

Is it true that when the sun dies all the other planets die too?

only the two closest planets will die when the sun dies in 4 billion years

What will people do when the sun dies?

after a while we will die ourselves

What are the stages when the sun dies?

look at the picture I linked, it explains and shows the steps of a sun's death.