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At that distance, there would be no planet - just vaporised gasses.

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Q: What would happen if a planet orbits 400 miles from its star?
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What do you think would happen if the planets did not have their own orbits?

they would probably collide with a comet, asteroid, the Sun, or another planet.

What planet is 8800000 miles from earth?

No planet is under only nine million miles from earth - the nearest planet to us (at closest approach in our respective orbits) is Venus which would get as low as about 26 million miles distance.

What would happen to the star if there was no sun?

Not quite sure what the intended question was - - - which star are you asking about? The sun IS a star - the one our planet orbits.

Body that orbits the parent planet?

That would be a satellite.

What would be affected if a planet orbits the sun faster or slower?

The length of the planet's year would be affected.

Does Venus orbit a planet?

No, Venus does not orbit a planet. It orbits a star, which is our Sun. It can not orbit a planet , if it did it would be a moon

Does mars have an another planet orbiting it?

No. For one thing, a planet-like object that orbits a planet is a moon, not a planet. Mars does have two moons but they are captured asteroids, and would not be considered planets if the had their own orbits around the sun.

Does Ceres revolve around another planet?

No. If Ceres orbited a planet it would be a moon. It orbits the sun, so it is classified as a dwarf planet.

What would happen if the planets did not move in their orbits?

i do not this answer that's why i am asking you this answer.

If scientists discovered a planet 1.1 billion miles away from the sun to which two planets would it be closest?

It really could be close to anything. IT would depend where 1.1 billion miles away it is. (i.e. Up? North? Upnorth?) and, the position of the planets in their orbits.

A relatively large body that orbits a star?

We would call that body a "planet" of the star.

Do some planets on the solar system do not orbit the sun?

By definition, a planet is a celestial body that orbits a star (the sun) directly. A satellite is an object in space that orbits a planet. Mercury, which is comparable in size to our Moon, orbits the sun. Therefore, Mercury is a planet. Our Moon is a satellite of Earth. If it had its own path around the sun, we wouldn't have a moon and it would be considered a planet.